
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 07:42:08
国外是所有学科的博士学位都是哲学博士么?Doctor of Philosophy?比如艺术设计的博士是什么学位?Doctor of Philosophy? 有关于美的名句吗? can you please reply me quickly 翻译成中文是什么? Can you please not speak more?同义句转换!Can you please _______ _______?课上老师讲过的,但忘了 please don't speak as loud as you could. Please don't speak as loudly as you could这两个都可以吗 loud 和loudly可以互换吧 don't worry about that的意思? 没关系 英文是worry about that 这样对吗 设e1,e2,是两个垂直的单位向量,且a=—(2e1+e2),b =e1-ye2当a,b平行时,求y的值当a,b垂直时求y的值  设x∈(0,π/2),求函数y=(2sin^2x+1)/sin2x的最小值 根号x+根号1/x=3,求(x2+1/x2-2)/(x3/2+1/x3/2-3)的值 The Internet appeared in the 1990s.(同义句转换)The Internet appeared in the 1990s.(同义句转换)The Internet _______ _______ _______ in the 1990s. She is singer of China.她是属于中国的歌手.能不能这样说 若y=-4x-3b是正比例函数,则b的值是? 搜集七年级上册历史故事(手抄报)5、、6则,字数在100~200字作业实在太多,没时间找~8K的纸 分不够我可以加 上册!你们说的是下册!我真的可以加分!1 are there in china three lights traffic 连词成句 the first sentence tell you a lot about the whole passage,so listen carefully to it 翻译中文 ‘’你能告诉我这个句子的意思吗‘’ 翻译 can you tell me ———— the sentence ————? 四年级上册语文十二课续编故事怎么写?至少三百字 苏教版五年级上册语文书第3课想象所见续编后面发生的事情怎么写 There are always three lights in every country :red,yellow and green.这句话是六年级课本上的联系上下文判断,是否正确.急请友友们书书回答,无比感激! 说明文《长安三中》如何写? There are always three in every country:red,yellow and green. 库尔勒市三中说明文 there are always three traffic[ ](灯):red,yellow and green 关于临汾三中的说明文 芦台三中我的校园说明文怎么写? count the syllables and mark the 请问then mark the intonation是什么意思 Tick the correct sentence and mark the error one.1.She said him they should try to reuse waste paper2.He suggested using proper plates instead of paper ones.3.She told him that they had no place to wash dishes4.She also pointed out to wash plates wou ①若y=4x+6-3b是关于x的正比例函数,求b的值 英语翻译 我今年升3年