
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 07:26:57
我喜欢你.用启海话怎么说 什么是中华民族的民族精神 沈浩精神与中华民族精神之间有什么关系. 这些用上海话怎么说?我很想你```过得还开心吧.有没有想过我啊``` 之类的. They have been here since 2000 (对划线提问)线在2000下,求回答, they have been here since 1988,对1988进行提问,()()have they been here? 一首诗的诗意爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏.千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符.就是这首诗的诗意. 求一首诗的诗意《暮 江 吟》(唐)白居易一道残阳铺水中,半江瑟瑟半江红.可怜九月初三夜,露似珍珠月似弓.【瑟瑟】碧绿的颜色【可怜】可爱【真珠】珍珠 There is an ostrich in the zoo改为一般疑问句 医学课程 英语怎么说 There is a lion outside the zoo .变一般疑问句 There is a supermarket near the zoo.改为一般疑问句 more than等于什么 more than one man ———— died in the accident谓语动词是什么 这个用上海话怎么说啊?麻烦你不要犯贱这句话,用上海话怎么说啊? more than one studentd 后接的谓语用单用复? 地下 英文是什么? 地下几层用英语怎么解释?比如有位外国朋友要去地下2层,应该说basement 2 or downstairs 2 还是其他的? 隐秘用英语怎样拼 there is an eiephant in the zoo.改成复数 英语翻译SOLD ON MOBILE MARKETING:EFFECTIVE WIRELESS CARRIER MOBILE ADVERTISING AND HOW TO MAKE IT EVEN MORE SO.直译好像不行,最好能意译. There is a zoo over there.的复数形式 英语翻译论电视媒体对儿童童年的成人化建构——以央视少儿频道《智慧树》等栏目与深圳卫视《饭没了秀》为例 英语翻译我的论文题目是”浅论我国调解与审判的关系”请问这个怎么翻印成英语啊? 喜欢是唯一的感觉翻译英语是? 喜爱英语感受英语怎么翻译 There is a elephant in the zoo.错在哪里?谢谢 there is an a___elephant in the zoo. there is an elephant in the zoo的同义句 Is there a elephant in the zoo?这里有一处错误请改正 英语翻译they found that stranger a spyall work and no play makes Jack a dull boy我怎么觉得类似的句子中间都掉了动词that strange a spy 那个陌生人是间谍 be动词呢?那个陌生人一个间谍makes Jack a dull boy让Jack变 英语翻译I had my wife put senior three so that it hopefully would be easier for you to find when you get back.