
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 20:48:44
when she was three years old,she [ ]to her first movie A.goes B.went C.is going D.go mary became a movie star when she was three years old 对when she was three years old 提问 She went to her_______(one)movie when she was three years old.单词正确形式填空 she first went to a movie whenshe was five years old改为she went to *()()whenshe was five years old Shirley Temper b( )a movie star when she was three years old. 已知数列{an}是等比数列,且a4=-27,a1=1求a5,a8 写sit sing drink meet fly draw buy take am taste get say like的过去式 怎样在一个暑假内提高自己的英语口语如题 报哪些口语班有必要么 数列比较题:已知{an}是各项均为正数的等比数列,公比q≠1,判断a1+a8和a4+a5的大小如题,要详细 暑假想提高英语口语我该上高三了,将要面对大学招生.个人心仪香港的大学,但是他们对于英语口语要求比较高,面试之类的全英文.我现在英语笔试之类的没什么问题,就是感觉表达上还是不够 This picture is different form that one.的同义This picture is different form that one.的同义句 eat\drink\go\draw\feel\run\fly\keep\write的过去式和过去分词= 紧急! 已知{an}是各项均为正数的等比数列,公比q≠1,判断a1+a8和a4+a5的大小 sit的过去式百分百肯定的 sit 的过去式 sit的过去式(过去时) 下列有关文学常识的表述有误的一项是A.《左传》是我国第一部叙事详细的编年体著作,相传为左丘明所作.《左传》《公羊传》《谷梁传》都是为解说《春秋》而作,故又称为“春秋三传”.B. 下列有关文学常识的表述,不正确的一项是()A. “骚体”又称“楚辞体”,得名于屈原的《离骚》,特点之一是多用“兮”字.B. 散曲包括套曲和杂剧,是盛行于元代的一种曲子形式,体式比较自 sit的过去式是什么 This dinning chair is different from that one这句话中为什么用that one 只用that行不行This dinning chair is different from that. “sit”的过去式是什么? this hairstyle is different from that one同义句转换这个发型是_____ _____ _____ _____that 1 This room is different from that one in___A.size B.sizes 英语口语怎么能迅速提高?需要看什么书?或者听什么磁带吗?求推荐 —— students are from English in this class(Many mych any lot) The students in this school are from d( ) countries.怎么填?首字母填空! 如果句子里面有is,就一定是现在进行时吗还有,为什么有些句子有is,但却没看到动词+ing呢? it is snowing是什么意思,是不是现在进行时态 如果说It is 6:00.就是现在进行时吗? 迅速提高英语口语 美式口语中The,That,They,There是怎么发音的?我看片子怎么都和音标不一样的呢?只追求口语中的发音! Many people use computers widely.改为被动语态