
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 16:00:54
A kind of bird 还是A kind of birds 有什么区别 A parrot is a kind of What kind of the bird is on the tree?树上的鸟叫什么名字我写的这个句子是病句吗 i d like to play football的一般疑问句是什么? Everyone in China I___the Spring Festival空格里面应该填什么词 Everyone in China l___the Spring Festival .求大神帮助 In China, is in the evening before Spring Festival,空白处翻译句子原句:在中国,新年前夜吃饺子是一种传统,传统:tradition问题中,is前、后都有空白处 选择:Everyone in China ___Spring Festival.A.likes B.like C.liking Start 变延续性动词 start 是延续性动词还是种终止性动词 start的延续性动词是什么 “start”是短暂性动词还是延续性动词? start back 瞬时性还是延续性动词? five and FIVE AND TEN怎么样 在太空中看到的天空为什么是黑色的? 为什么天空是蓝色的,而太空是黑色的啊! 做人偶的初级蛋白油怎那么贵 怎么获得初级蛋白油求答案 sending ____with mobile phones is more and more popular among young people.填message,加复数吗 nowadays cyber-words are more and mire popular among people people are using them not only on the internet but also in the daily life就此发表你的感想 The song is popular ________ young people.A.in.B.for.C.among 英语翻译When it be going like that boom boomgirl i want to put you all up in my roomThrow you on the bed and take your clothes offI wanna put you all up against that wallEverybody dont like it slow consider me one of them folkLets get to itget to The Bird of the Golden Land的翻译 the bird of the golden land 怎么翻译 格林童话英文读后感 英语翻译要全文的翻译,是英语辅导报冀教版第4期C版 be on :begin; start;的区别RT 辨析be on,begin和start不超过40个字还有辨析catch和hold begin(start)→be on各词造句举句子并带汉语 start in与start on的区别同上比如这题,He( )( )doing his homework。。。。。,填哪个 start on 和 start at 的区别, 如何判断金属氧化物中哪些为酸性、碱性或两性氧化物?