
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 17:47:56
《卖火柴的小女孩》与《小珊迪》有哪些情况相似? 卖火柴的小女孩与小珊迪有哪些相似之处? 巴西最大的城市 . 高一英语的同义句转换问题3. people are collecting money for a wildlife project in the world. ____ ____ ___ ____for a wildlife project in the world. 4. there was a small beautiful garden in our school,but now it has disappeared. 高一英语同义句转换By the 1920s,he had become an famous explorer.By the 1920s,he had ______ famous explorer. 英语翻译Mr.Chens nephew 已经检测过这些16.5X26,没有发现任何质量问题. 高一英语同义句转换we expected her to do the housework as well as look after the childrenwe expected her ________ ________ to look after the children _____ _____ do the housework2.we chould not live without water or air we chould not live ___ I was bitten by a dog once and I have been afraid of them since then.I was bitten by a dog once and I have been afraid of them ____ ____. 从所给介词中选择适当的词填空1.at ,on ,in (1)______Mid-Autumn Day (2)______a quarter to ten (3)______the 21s century (4)______a cold morning 2.in ,after (1)We’ll meet again_____two weeks.(2)We started out of the United States on July 晾衣服的英文(五年级水平) “晾衣服”的英文怎么说我先去晾衣服!怎么说? 英语翻译发票号C12-16S按照预定是需要预付款的,请尽快将货款汇到钨西的账户上. 选用方框中的介词或介词短语填空form ,in front of, down, in, on, at, between 1.Excuse me, is there a restaurant ( )the neighborhood?2.I sit( )Cathy and Sam in the classroom.3.The lion's house is across( )the tiger's.4.There is a 英语翻译工程师说无法依据7X10的图纸 ,画出另外的几个型号的图纸.请想办法提供样品或者图纸. 用方框中的介词和介词短语填空 因为金融危机引响,本人生活被逼无奈,想出国某求生计,怕遇困难,想知道中国驻印度大使馆号码多少,好寻求帮助. Someday you will find a foreign language a bridge to a lot of __上天一英文单词 印度人要到我公司来,需要我们帮忙发邀请函给中国驻印度大使馆,这个邀请函怎么写 In order to find_better job,she planned to learn_second foreign language.A.the;aB.a;aC.the;theD.a;the并解析 In order to find ______ better job,he decided to study_______ second foreign language a a为什么第二个空不能是the 表示第二外语呢 We find ( )difficult to learn a foreign language. We found ___very important to learn a foreign language well.A,this b,thatc,itd,it's为什么D不可以,选D那it's不就变成作主语的了吗还有B为什么不选而选C 关于the more...the more句型的一道题..The more he read,the more questions he thought ____A.to askB.of to askC.of to be askD.of asking请问是选哪个阿..其实个人猜是不是C..因为后面那个the more的句子中主语感觉是不是q the more……the more句型讲解 钢琴演奏会需要音响设备支持么?就是靠钢琴和演奏厅本身的效果还是需要音响设备? 英语翻译 某某钢琴独奏音乐会 怎么翻译 带我去中国大使馆的英文怎样写“带我去中国大使馆”的英文怎样写, the more ...the more 句型个体的OF值越大,那么它就越适应.英文是否可以这样说:The greater is the OF value an individual,the fitter is the individual. 1.德语中有没有越来越的句型,像英语中的“the more...the more...2.Wenn ein Universitat student mehr Zeugnisse hat,ist er leichter,eine Arbeit zu finden.这句话表达可以吗?有语法毛病吗? To learn English well ,We should find opportunities to English ----a much as we can to learn english well.we should find opportunities to hear english ()as often as we can为什么是spoken?to speak 为什么错