
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 13:28:25
一A、B两班共有84人,A班人数的5/8与B班人数的3/4共58人,则A班有几人?二壹1/2+(1/3+2/3)+(1/4+2/4+3/4)+…+(1/40+2/40+…38/40+39/40)贰1/2+(1/3+2/3)+(1/4+2/4+3/4)+…+(1/60+2/60+…+58/60+59/60)再补一道啊就是一份稿件, 某家商店为了了解某品牌牙刷和牙膏销售情况,对每天销售情况进行记录,星期一卖出该品牌牙刷24支,牙膏18支,收入210元,经核实记录正确.(1)星期二以同样的价格卖出同样的牙刷28支,牙膏12支 求做数学题,请尽量正确. 数学题 告诉我解的过程我国泸深股市交易中,如果买.卖一次股票均需付交易金额的0.5%作费用,张先生以每股5元的价格买入“西昌电力”股票1000股,若他期望获利不低于1000元,问他至少要等到该 解奥数题时,应按什么步骤去做? 解数学题,要过程01.若一个两位正整数,它的个位数字与十位数字的和是5,数字的平方和是17,求这两位数解:设这两位数的十位数字是X,则它的个位数字为( )所以这两位数是( )根据 1.已知F1,F2是双曲线x^2/16+y^2/20 = 1的焦点,点p在双曲线上.若点p到右焦点F1的距离等于9,求点p到焦点F2的距离是椭圆,我写错了 一桶油,连桶共重35千克.用去一部分油后,这时桶里的油还剩百分之六十,连桶重22.2千克.桶里原来有油多少千克?桶重多少千克?说下怎么列式子的?降下为何 1.写出等差数列3,8,13,...的公差和通顶公式.求等差数列12,8,4,...的公差和通顶公式,并写出a7. 某旅行团有48人要在某招待所住宿,招待所一楼的客房比二楼少五间,如果全部住一楼,每间住5人,则住不满,每间住3人,则不够住,如果全部住二楼,每间住4人,则住不满,每间住3人,则不够住.求招待 英语翻译find the average rate of change of the function over the given intervalsf(x)=x^3 + 1[2,3] [-1,1]g(t)= 2 + cos(t)[0,∏] [-∏,∏]只有翻译也可以怎么求不规则曲线两点间的平均值呢?只有解答也可以 英语翻译writw down 1:the fourth square number2:the fifth fibonacci number3:the sixth square number4:the seventh trianngular number5:the eighth fibonacci number 英语翻译If each foot of water in a lake screens out 60% of the light above,what percent of the light passes through 5 feet of water?Raul invests $1000 in a savings account that earns 5% interest compounded annually.How much money will he have in 英文数学题求翻译求解1. A triangle with angles measuring 90°,30°and 60° is called a ______ triangle using the angle measures.2. A hexa gon has an area of 80 square inches The dimensions of the hexagon are enlarged by a scale factor of 3 t 英语数学题,求翻译求解答A father in his will left all his money to his children in the following manner:$1000 to the first born and 1/10 of what then remains, then $2000 to the second born and 1/10 of what then remains, then $3000 to the th 英语翻译it is given that the scale of the floor plan of a flat is 1 cm to 0.8 m(a)Express the scale of the floor plan in the form of 1:n(b)on the floor plan,the dimensions of the rectangular bedroom are 3cm*2.5com .Find its actual area 英语翻译jane spends1/4of her pocket money on a magazine ,1/3 on sweets and 1/6 on make-upWhat fraction of her pocket money does she spend?What fraction ofher pocket is left?If 80p is left,how much pocket money does she get? “英文数学题”用英语怎么说? 我觉得是A! A 15 foot ladder is placed against a wall.Suppose the bottom of the ladder slides away from the wall at a constant rate of 3 ft.How fast is the top of the ladder sliding down the wall when the bottom is 9 feet from the wall?Answera.- 9/4 ft b.9/4 ft 英语翻译The sum of squares of 4 prime numbers (which can be the same) is same as their product,please show the sum of the four primes.Answer:__________ A runner runs 2km in 5min in the positive direction and then takes 10min to walk back in the negative direction to his initial point.Q1:What is the average velocity for the time spent walking?Q2:What is the average velocity for the first 5 minutes? In an enrichment class,1/3 are boys and the restare girls.After 3 girls and 3 boys leave the class,there are now 2/5 as many boys as girls.How many pupils are there in the class in the end? 求帮忙 解一道数学题 英文的IN 2004,16JUNE falls on a Wednesday.On what day of the week will 16June fall in 2014? 谁能帮忙我解一道英文数学题The salary of Mr James and Mr Bala was in the ratio of 3:4.After each gave away an equal amount of $2000 to their wives,the ratio became 1:3.what was Mr James' salary? 求一道英文数学题的答案If the position of a particle at a time is given by the equation x(t)=2t^3-9t^2+12t-18Find the distance(距离非位移)of the particle from t=0 to t=4. Jane's age is 's age is a prime number.Andy's age has 8 factors and he is one year older than Jane.Find the sum of their age? 一道英语数学题求解!~急着!Find the width of a rectangle if its perimeter is 336 centimeters and its width is 14 centime- ters less than its length If f(x)=log(x).write out the domain and range of the function. An employee was promised a yearly rise of his salary of 4% in 2008 and 2009.But in 2009 this rise was cut by 30%.Find the percentage P of the total rise for these two years.题啥意思哦~ 这是一道英语数学题!By using a stopwatch ,Peter finds that the time taken for a colour printer to print 100 identical documents is 7 minutes 5 seconds ,and the relative error is 1/85 .what is the possible range of time required to print 1 doc 求一道英语数学题How many minutes is it before 12 noon if 132 minutes later it will be 3 times as many minutes before 3 pm?再翻译一下,