
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 11:57:03
急需英语对话怎么说呢?关于 TV show 的对话,是一个主持人正在主持一个节目,记住啊,是正在,主持的节目还得是 game show ,有点急,我明天用,对好今天晚上给我,大哥大姐们,我只有15分了,全打上,对 英语对话,是关于访问一名成功企业家的对话~就只要回答四个问题就行了!1、What preparatory work would you do before starting your business?2、Which do you think is more productive nowadays,physical or mental labor?3、Why d ..现在就要.英语对话3个英语对话,2个人说的,每人5句左右.下面是题目:1.Do you think most Chinese students suffer from shock in college?What are the major pressure that they have?2.The information and stories about superman.3.If 《饮酒》(其五)阅读题 i sao tom.he played tennis with his friends合并为一句话 如何把word文档中的下划线" "替换为括号"()"你们用过后确定能用在告诉我,别急着回答.替换命令不行 像李大钊同志这样的革命者,让我想到了诗句( )用诗句来形容李大钊用诗句来形容李大钊的品质 李大钊语句吾愿吾亲爱之青年,生于青春,死于青春.——李大钊 Do not call her. She is very busy now.(改为同义句)Do not call her. She is very busy ______ ______ ______.急!大家帮帮忙啊! 用古诗《春夜喜雨》编故事 怎样编? 英语翻译you could wrap me around your finger,tahts super.ow crap :( 这些是什么阿.麻烦高手翻译下.i had a lot of xxoo(我和=谐了)1 time with 13 (是一次和13个人?)and i had 3 years the same girlfriend(这句是不是 the children get wet in the -----(suddenly)rain i( )wet in the rain,怎写? Some day in the Rain 啥意思? 若圆X^+Y^+(a^-1)X+2aY-a=0关于直线X-Y+1=0对称,则实数a= I ( ) ( ) 生气 ;恼火when he bor-rowed my book and didn't return it 蔡依林的《I Won't Last A Day Without You》的中文翻译歌词谁有? 英语翻译帮我翻译一下这首歌哈..再此谢过.. when he (return)it空格内填单词、第二个根据(return)适当形式填空.when 后面填空、he后面填空 hello,i am a master student ,i am interested in spanish,i can help you study chinese --What do you do?--什么 A.I am Chinese.B.I'm ten.C.I'm a student I am a student from China.(改为同意句) I am________ __I am a student from China.(改为同意句)I am________ _________. 英译汉几句话~1.我们带了食物和饮料,早上乘车去长城.2.在长城上我想到了长城的悠久历史,父亲还给我讲了有关长城的知识.3.我看到了许多外国朋友,这一天我们过得很愉快.句式、用词尽量简 I am Chinese .nom student . 几句话英译汉 the australian component sector is able to manufacture across the full range of automotive components,a capability recently demonstrated in the axcess autsralia concept cars.the industry is fully QS-9000 rated - a supply requiremen 1.Stem is to plant as trunk is to tree.2.Elbow is to arm as knee is to leg.3.Fur is to rabbit as feather is to bird.4.Walk is to stand as swim is to float.5.Ten is to twelve as six is to eight. 英译汉(几句话)No bootable CD,floppy or hard disk was detected.To install an operating system,insert a bootable CD or floppy and restart the virtual machine by clicking the Reset button. 几句话的英译汉(抱歉,只有5分了.是少了点,希望不要介意)In short, the competency-based approach, with its inherent emphasis on fixing weaknesses, substitutes damage control for real development, and thus leads all employees awa I just want to fuck you now he borrowed my book and hasn’t returned it to me return为什么要过去式 求 描写花木兰的好语句不要《木兰诗》的翻译 蔡依林的I won't last a day without you 的男主角是谁