
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 17:55:15
I have been skating _____ nine oclock.A.for B.since C.at D.from fix... i have been skating() nine o'clock A for Bsince C at D fromWHY ,GIVE ME SOME REASONS 请问有人在唐宁街英语做过教学助理吗?这份工作怎么样,还有待遇如何? A fire fighter _____by burning wood that fell on his back.A was hurt.B.hurt .为什么选A.hurt不是可以用主动表示被动么. 英语翻译如题,求翻译 请英语帝帮忙讲解这句话的意思Summary Rough Draft这句话是大概让写什么呢? 连词成句 :1.the,and,shutter,put ,away ,close,camera,the ,2.in,words,dictionary,a,in,are,older,the,aiphabetical求求你们了,请好好回答问题 put the camera away )put the camera away,I just put it in the air and let it go....)put the camera away,I just put it in the air and let it go.A rather thanB had better Cwould rather Dinstead ofRather than 不是接doing吗? open and flat seams if two persons agree or everything,then one of them need not exist.怎么翻译啊用中文解说 忙碌:近义词和反义词? I can't____her to be on time if I'm late myselfA hope B expect C desire D wish选哪个 为什么 史记 关于管仲,司马迁最后说的那段话的意思.太史公曰 :管仲世所谓贤臣,然孔子小之,岂以为周道衰微,桓公既贤,而不勉之至王,乃称霸哉?翻译也是看过的,可希望你们能翻译通畅点.特别后面几 his mother tried-----(not swim) in the river. Why is a math book sad?英语谜语 why is a math book sad 谜语我知道意思是:为什么数学本子很伤心? This is (a math) book.对括号内容提问,说理由 如何回答:Is this a math book ?如题 单反的快门数是什么意思 It's too late to apologize,to you now- It's too late to catch you now翻译 who have还是has a book? We didn't see what happened in the street in the morning 保持原意不变 At three o'clock this morning ,I seemed __someone screaming in the streetA hearingB having heardC to have heard D to hear 夸我几句 It's a joke.Hello Chinese .i come from Argentina! “多莉”是公羊,还是母羊﹖ 多利是公羊还是母羊? 为什么“多莉”的产生需要三只母羊一只羊可以完成所有的克隆过程吗?既然只是对比,那么用一只羊可以完成克隆吗?提取的是卵细胞进行克隆,为什么?那么公羊可以克隆吗?是不是雄性的克隆 求《霍比特人》的Far over the misty mountains cold的MP3