
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 05:03:59
用it's 形容词 for sb to do 造句,里面最好能加九年级一单元的词语 the students shouted with ______ when they heard the ______ news.A.excitement;exciting B.exciting;exciting为什么是A而不是B呢?with后面也可以接动名词啊 非谓语动词前可以加哪些从属连词?比如说:(When) hearing the news,he jumped up with joy?中的when.我知道的:时间状语从句连词when/while/once/after/before让步状语从句连词though/although条件状语从句连词if/un 运用should/shouldn't造句__________________________________________________________________________________________ apologize for sb 这个短语对吗例题如下:He smiled poliety ( )Mary apologized for her drunken friend.A as B if C unless D though 我女儿上高三了,数学成绩不是很好,想请个家教了,上海哪家家教中心最好了? 我家女儿上初三,但是数学跟物理的成绩老是提不上去,请问无锡市区哪家家教机构的效果好啊? 暑期数学家教有么? 我现在想把数学成绩提高,但家教也请了,为什么也不是很好? 高一英语单选题解析1,(D)--what did you say just now?---she said that she ____along a country road when a UFO landed in front of her.A,drove B,wonld drive C,had driven D,was driving2,(D)I can't remember how many years ago ___I first met him.A, 高一英语单选题(我要详解)1,when my neighbours came out to do morning exercise,i also_____.A joined B joined in C attended D took part in2,charles babbage is generally considered______the first computer.A to have invented B inventing C hav 高一英语必修一单选题1.Have you asked her for the reason____may explain her absence from class last week?A.why B.that C.what D.for which为什么选B呢?2.It was along the Mississppi River____Mark Twain spent much time of his child 一道高一英语单选题.要解析.At sea one can get a beautiful ( ) of the sunrise.A.sight B.scene C.view D.scenery 要解析. 女儿上初中了,数学成绩老上不去,该怎么办? 帮忙讲解两道高一英语单选题 谢谢Some people in the past at night dug the _____treasures in the tombsA.hidden B.buried C.burying D. covered这道题为什么选B啊He worked hard,______,he didn't pass the examA.but B.so C.yet D.however 女儿就是数学不行,初中的数学我也不太懂,该怎么办? 为什么小孩都喜欢数学.而初中以后喜欢数学的人就少了 秦可卿死前托梦于“三春去后诸芳尽,各自需寻各自门”是什么意思? 英语不好 不知学什么?平时喜欢上网 英语不好 1 l often recall the period -————we spent in a small village.A when B which请问为什么A 不可以?什么情况下使用A而不适用B When ___to others ,she usually puts a finger near her mouth.A speaks B spoken C to speak D speaking Our teacher looked _____(happily) at the good news. 有人写了《骆驼祥子》的美文摘抄+读书心得吗?要4个美文摘抄+读书心得啊, When Tom learned the news,he looked at his teacher ________.A.in surprise B.by surprise C.withWhen Tom learned the news,he looked at his teacher ________.A.in surprise B.by surprise C.with surprise D.on surprise选什么 为什么啊 古代关于飞天的神话有哪些 我女儿读初中了现在有点叛逆,有什么好的教育方法 作为单身母亲,如何教育引导初中阶段的女儿? Susuan and Penny (saw s film) the night before last.(对括号部分提问) When we heard the good news ,we all ()happily 骆驼祥子摘抄400字片段,写上200字赏析,还要写是那一章节的, ( )然若揭 ( )然悔悟 ( )然若失 ( )然进攻 ( )然悔悟 ( )然若失 ( )然若揭