
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 22:02:17
they usually have spare time .这句话怎么变疑问句? 中文翻译:A lot of people go to different places for skiing or snowboarding. you are stepping on my foot? You are stepping on my foot 别人在称赞我之后回答这句, I saw an advertisement in a morning newspaper for a complete set of works of William Shakespeare意请问I saw an advertisement in a morning newspaper for a complete set of works of William Shakespeare这段话时什么意思啊 请问,"You are stepping on my foot.我看不懂, advertisement是用a还是an英语书上是用的an可是不是发原音啊..不是发"呃"么 用advertisement造句,就是要advertisement,不要其他比如说:make an advertisement不要这样的词组绝对不要词组,再次强调是用advertisement!单纯的用advertisement造句!最好剪短些 are you going to the bookstore on foot 做肯定和否定回答 put an advertisement in和 put an advertisement on有什么区别? 请大家帮忙做一下适当形式填空和句型转换, 适当形式填空,和句型转换, What runs but never walks water or time If runs all day,and it runs all right.But never runs away.What is it 这是我在一本英文参考书上看到的,谢喽!是一本非常具有权威的参考书上看到的!加以说明! 用适当的单词形式填空 句型转换 灯谜:What walks all the time but never leaves its place? what has a bed but never sleeps,a mouth but never speaks不是翻译 求歌词的中文意思Feat.Akon & Nelly唱的, on the right-hand side of的中文意思是什么? 完形填空Once there _____ a man in a village .His name was Bill.he always ___ things 完形填空Once there _____ a man in a village .His name was Bill.He always ___ things dully.So people ____ him Dull Bill.One day his wife told him to buy a (n) He is not the man that he once was是定语从句吗? 回答:3.What do you call a fish without an eye? What do you call a fish that only cares about himself? I like fruit s___ very much该填什么呢,帮帮好不好 What do you (h ) eating?Fish we like fruit (very much).(对括号部分提问) I don't like fruit very much中文是什么意思 歉收的反义词? On the other hand 另一方面 我们老师说这与中文的另外一方面不同 英文中的onOn the other hand 另一方面 我们老师说这与中文的另外一方面不同 英文中的on the other hand后面的内容一定和前文完全对 怎么区分和记hand\head这种很近的英文发音 This film is more interesting than that oneThis film is more interesting than that oneThat film is ___ ___ ___ this one join online是什么意思