
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:59:45
2011年计算机综合408的选择题第三题已知循环队列存储在一维数组A[0...n-1]中,且队列非空时front和rear分别指向队头元素和队尾元素.若初始时队列为空,且要求第1个进入队列的元素存储在A[0]处, 常规情况下,硬盘属于计算机的()部件.A 运算器 B 控制器 C 存储器 D 输入/输出设备答案给的D,是不是错了?最佳只能选一个. 请大神做三道计算机选择题,求准确答案1和2是单项选择题,3是多项选择题.求正确答案1、微处理器处理的数据基本单位为字.一个字的长度通常是( )A. 16个二进制位 B. 32个二进制位 C 第1题 在Excel的图表中,水平X轴通常用来作为( ).A、排序轴 B、分类轴 C、数值轴 D、时间轴 第2题 Excel工作簿文件的默认扩展名为( ).A、.xml B、.txt C、.xls D、.doc 第3题 在Excel工作表的单元 计算机网络选择题网络上使用E-mail发邮件时,能收E-mail的个人计算机( ) A.什么也不要做 B.必须进入电子邮件软件C.必须打开电源 D.必须进入Internet答案给的是D,我觉得A就可以了. KMnO4和KCLO3,.个10g分别放在试管中加热,使其完全分解后,将固体残余物分别放在天平的左盘和右盘,则天平的指针 A中间 B偏左 C偏右 D无法判断A,C,三种物质各15g,他们化合时只能生成30g新物质D。 盛有BaCl2稀溶液的甲乙两试管分别通入SO2至饱和,若向甲试管中通入足量硝酸,乙试管中加入足量NaOH溶液,则下列叙述正确的是()A.甲乙两试管都有白色沉淀生成B.甲乙两试管都没有白色沉淀生成C 2道化学选择题(1)含有氢键的是( )A H3BO3 B C2H6 C H2S D HCL(2)电负性最大的是( )A Ci B CS C O D F 下列说法中肯定错误的是A.第一个原子层上有一个电子B.某原子上第3个原子层电子数为第2个原子层的4倍C.某离子上第3个原子层和第2个原子层均为第一个原子层的4倍D.某离子的核电核数与最 1.为了证明长期暴露在空气中的氢氧化钠溶液已变质,用酚酞和二氧化碳行不行?2.含有少量水蒸气和二氧化然的空气依次通过氢氧化钠溶液,浓硫酸和灼热的铜网,剩下的气体是 (稀有气体,氮气 超容易的 急用 从被选答案中找出与题目中的三种物质属于同一类别的物质,将编号填入括号中:1.氧气、氮气、氯气、( )A.水蒸气 B.氨气 C.氢气 D.二氧化碳2.铁、镁、汞、( )A.氧化铜 B.铜 On Saturdays,Mrs.Lee usually goes to the market,_____some groceries and vists her daughter.A\bought B\buys C buying D to buyThe two countries are holding _____ on different issues.(翻译意思)A a conversation B a dialogue C talks D chats 5.科恩说:“普鲁士在19世纪60年代的胜利,为1918 和1945年的失败打下了基础”.他强调的是“19世纪60年代的胜利”\x05A.推动了德国工业革命的完成 B.强化了普鲁士军国主义传统\x05C.促使 某条约签订后,清廷希望再开谈判,以免除关税为代价,换取外族放弃公使驻京、江河通路、内地游历和归还广东省城.这从本质上反映了清政府A.以关税作为谈判的重要筹码 B.重视维护国家主权 选D.请告诉我每一个点是哪个时间、.75 年前,正当我国革命和中华民族处于生死攸关的历史时刻,在中国的大西北先后发生了两件几乎堪称扭转时局的政治事件.下面诗句中暗喻这两件事情的是 为什么选这个答案.要原因.下列语言描述正确的是( ).A.直线mn与直线ab相交于点DB,点A在直线M上C.点A在直线AB上C.延长直线AB 请问为什么用这个答案we went to shanghai for a holiday____ on a ship,首先,为什么不用on ship,第二,为什么用on a ship 为什么选择这个答案Great!You_____a good job!A.do B.did C.work D.worked 为什么选B 要写出为什么选这个答案,其他答案错哪了1 I often read China Daily,___________ of great help to my English studyA which I think is B which I think it is C that I think is D I think is2 Andrew won not like it ,you know.________?I do not The boy often helps his mother do the homework in his spare time,_____makes his mother very happy.A.it B.what C.he D.whichEach of the boys in our class____great intere in football and they each____their own football jerseys(套衫)A.shows;have B.show 1、all ____ you told me yesterday was serious.A.what B.which C.that D.why 这道题我选的是A,2、besides ________,she likes to communicate with others.A.she is beautiful B.that she is beautiful C.her beautiful D.being beautiful这道题我选的 答案已告知,主要是为什么,1.-You should have prepared better for the speach,Smith-Yes,I know.But how could I do it( )the meeting date fixed so soon.A.while B.after C.because D.with(选D,为什么不可以选A)2.The terrorists ( ) to blow up 1.I don't really work here,I _____ until the new secretary arrives.A just help out B.have just helped C.an just helping out D.will juest help2.My name is robort,____most of my friends callme ob for shore.A.then B.intead C.however D.but3.My classmates 1.I_that the boy_with no tears in his eyes.A.noticed...cryB.noticed...criedC.noticed...cryingD.noticed...cryed2.When the speaker entered the hall,all the listeners_.(B)A.had seatedB.were seatedC.seatedD.were seating3.-Alice is moving to her new apart 高一英语一道选择题谁会-_-|| ----excuse me,do you have the time?----_____.A.yes,I do B.of course,I have C.a quarter to ten D.no proplem选神马,为什么? Though Jim is excellent,his bad health is a great _____ in his search for a job.A.shortcoming B.disadvantage My parents used -----they had to get a new car for me .A which B that C what D all that这里我主要问的事C和D选项,我们老师的解释是形容词不能在特殊疑问词前使用,但是我觉得她的理由没办法说服我.请亲们给 正确答案都知道 我只要原因解释 ,不是请您来帮我做题!☆☆☆1.I believe _____ you've dine your best and ______ things will pick up soon.-Thank you.A.that;/ B./;/ Cwhat;what D /;that2.He has given us a suggestion ___ we not buy a Not until the motorbike looked alomst new________repairing andcleaning it.A.he stoppedB.did he stopC.stopped he D.he did stop为什么选择B? 1.Wouldn't it be___ wonderful world if humans could live in ___ peace?A.a;the B.the ; 不填 C.a;不填 D.the;the 高一英语选择题,求详解Many a man and many a woman ____that he or she had better education.A.wish B.has wished C.do wishes D.have wishedWe are____him to arrive at 6:00A.waiting B.hoping C.expecting D.thinkingOn the wall____two