
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:45:32
举出声音传递信息的事例 He needs to spend time on his homework.其中的on可以改为in吗?因为我知道有spend time (in) doing sth.既然in后面可以跟动名词,那好像就可以跟名词的吧? It is bigger than a sheep . It is bigger than This kind of house is very c___ there It is much bigger than any planet. tom is new in china翻译是不是病句? danny likes this toy rabbit.改为一般以问句 the blue car is behind the house.用there be句型改写 Jim with Tom ______doing the homework in the classroom now.为什么用is There _____ in this house答案给的是is plenty of room 我想问的是are plenty of rooms 为什么不对? 求特洛伊木马战役详细介绍, 请问现在英国在那些领域是世界领先的?请举出2~3个实例 2举个例子详细点蓝色 春节见闻...速求800字..(注;一定要是见闻) The orphans’ homes then were no better than living hells求翻译 ben has lived in this f___ for many years 现在分词作状语的用法she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it,covering them with all the clothes she could find.she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it and covered them with all the clothes she the night of the horse简述(英文的哦!)就是 把一篇很长~的英文文章 简述成55~60字的 作文 记住是英文的. 2012年什么地名在奥运会上,我国的运动健儿顽强拼博,共获得几枚金牌,什么奖牌?我认识了这些为祖国争光的奥运冠军有谁.谁,谁,谁,谁, 关于曼联的英文作文400词400词左右,要翻译需要曼联简介 慕尼黑空难 曼联从坎通纳往后的7号 C罗希望多写点 还有曼联3冠王 最后写写弗格森爵士 写不够的话就写跟曼联有关的简介 Trojan Horse是什么病毒啊?我想知道它与Trojan Dropper有什么区别啊还有,它是怎么入侵QQ的啊(昨天,我朋友的QQ被入侵,只要一和她聊,就会收到一个文件,就是这个木马 谁有《骆驼祥子》第一章的好词和好句赏析?好词10个,好句(或好段)2句,要赏析,要第一章的! 骆驼祥子和钢铁怎样炼成的好词好句 ++++ 急帮帮忙*&^^ 我急需《骆驼祥子》的好词100个,好句50句!谢了!急需!《骆驼祥子》的好词要100个,好句50句,当然,多多益善···谢各位,快点! 英语中的虚词是指什么词,英语中常见的14个虚词是哪些?谢谢 英文虚词都有什么 找一篇初中难度的400字左右英语文章 What's your father? 四题 英语 what' your father's jop?怎么回答 Plants do not let the wind blow the soil away.翻译成中文 如何翻译"Plants don't let the wind blow the soil away."