
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 03:19:19
有甲乙丙三个村庄,已知丙村在乙村北偏西30°方向,丙村在甲村北偏东20°方向,甲村在乙村西偏南30°方向现要从甲村分别向乙村、丙村各修一条公路,则这两条公路应成多少度角? 如图,有甲.乙.丙三个村庄,已知丙村庄在乙村北偏西30°方向,在甲村北偏东20°方向,甲村在乙村南偏西60°方向,现要从甲村分别向乙村和丙村各修一条公路,则这两条公路应成多少度角? “我十分健康”用英语咋说? 但他很健康 用英语说 all over the world造句 in the world all over the world啥区别啊 帮忙翻译下面的句子,并回答问题,谢谢!(1)The country's hostile conquests made all of its neighbors nervous.翻译上面句子,The country's hostile conquests什么意思?分析该句子中its的用法.(2)There is a team of writer 英语翻译Because the majority of the bands are large and asymmetric,presenting also some shoulders,a deconvolution of the experimental spectra was necessary. 英语翻译What do we eat with? 英语翻译Dennis Rodman,the muscular,tattooed,and much ballyhooed player formerly of the Chicago Bulls,makes headlines whenever he pulls another of his crazy but fun-loving publicity stunts意思的话我知道,关键是那个formerly的用法我 为进一步建设秀美、宜居的生态环境,某村预购买甲、乙、丙三种树美化村庄,已知甲、乙、丙三种树的价格之比为2:2:3,甲种树每棵200元,现计划用210000元资金,购买这三种树共1000 棵.(1)求 为进一步建设秀美、宜居的生态环境,某村欲购买甲、乙、丙三种树美化村庄,已知甲、乙丙三种树的价格之比为2:2:3,甲种树每棵200元,现计划用210000元资金,购买这三种树共1000棵. (1)求 为进一部建设秀美、宜居的生态环境,某村欲购买甲、乙两种树美化村庄,已知甲乙两种树的价格之比2:3, He had to give up ____the football match because he had his leg injured in the accidenta. taking part in b.took park in c.to take part in d. take part in 请选择 并解释 Who are you waiting for ______the man wounded in the left leg.A.The doctor will operate on B.Tie nurse to be looked after C.The doctor to operate on D.His brother got He won't take part in the football match next Saturday because of his leg i__ 我知道填injury求解释我的意思是为什么不是injuried He didn't attend the sports meeting . It is __ his leg was burt. A as B because可以说明理由吗? 把一批化肥分给甲乙丙三个村子甲村分得总数的1/4其余按2:3分给乙丙两村知丙村分得化肥18吨这批化肥共几我要方程(一元一次) 把一批化肥分给甲乙两个村子,甲村的总数的4分之1,其余的按2:3分给乙丙两村,已知乙村分得化肥12吨,这批化肥共有多少吨? 把一批化肥分给甲乙丙三个村子甲村分得总数的1/4其余按2:3分给乙丙两村知丙村分得化肥18吨.这批化肥有多少吨?(用算术方法解) 一批化肥有360吨,分给甲乙丙三村,甲村分的全部的六分之一,其余的按3:2乙丙两村,乙丙两村各分得多少吨? 把一批化肥分给甲、乙、丙三个村子,甲村分得总数的四分之一,其余按2:3的比例分给乙、丙两村,已知丙村得化肥18吨.这批化肥有多少吨? 为什么要探索宇宙 探秘宇宙怎么样 鲨鱼是胎生还是卵生的? 森林草原面积减少的危害最好总结一下, 森林草原面积减少的原因 real world 和true world 的区别.(这是一篇完形填空的题、原大意为:Children can learn more about the "____ world".正确答案是填 real) 英语中已经用不定式修饰过的名词的过去分词定语应该放在什么位置?比如“本文提出的实现梦想的途径”应该怎么表达?1.the approach to realizing dream provided in this article 2.the approach to realizing dream Here In The Real World 歌词 梦见天空出现黑龙乌云一片旁边还有刻有四个字的金印字在不断变化金光闪闪照亮天空 阴雨天6月26日下午6点 天空没有乌云遮的地方是青色的 一大片为什么那 全青 无杂色