
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 02:15:05
they were also quite sure that1.请问能否改成:they also quite sure that.为什么?2.如果必须把were去掉,请问怎么改? 英语翻译They are also harnessing a lot of market-related rage.The gruesome stock plunge of late 2008 and early 2009 was a searing,fool-me-twice moment for many people. 壮丽奇观的意思是什么?用壮丽奇观怎么造句? 奇观的造句 造句:1.光彩夺目 2.奇观 英语翻译fashionable to htink that by free education for all-whether rich or poor 文明古国:甲骨文— 金字塔— 汗谟拉比法典— 佛教发祥地— 填文明古国.甲骨文() 金字塔() 汉穆拉比法典() 佛教发祥地() 题目(把文明古国及相关内容连起来)古埃及、古巴比伦、古印度、古中国 连 佛教发祥地、甲骨文、金古埃及 佛教发祥地 古巴比伦 甲骨文 古印度 金字塔 古中国 汉谟拉比法典 把它们连起 我国是世界文明古国之一,其重要标志是【 】1印刷术,2指南针,3火药,4造纸术,5甲骨文的发现这是一道多选题 After school he did not go home .Instead he went to piay computer games 可以把Instead 改成 Instead of oracle高手进为什么这样差不出值来,数据库中是有值的select wm_concat(decode(a,'01','aa',a)) from (select regexp_substr(t.gwys_1,'[^,]+',1,rownum) a,t.pk_dyccqsfjlb_id id from mchis.jdh_mcheck_first t connect by rownum 小明想了解中古时期中东的社会状况,需阅读哪部著作一千零一夜 伊索寓言 奥德赛 俄狄浦斯王为什么是一千零一夜 钱塘江大潮,自古以来被称为天下奇观.仿照句子用被造句 天下奇观造句,又快又好的给采纳! 神机妙算、心旷神怡、烟波浩渺、神形兼备、体态轻盈、天下奇观造句!快!不要连在一起的!分开造 Who will host the party?Who_____ _____the ____ ____the party? 除了中国以外,还有( )( )( )等文明古国都有着丰富的传说.请选两个国家,写出其神话故事. who will host the party 被动语态 我国是文明古国吗?举几个具体的例子说明一下(最好是夏商西周那个时代的例子). 句型转换:1.Who will host the party?(改为同义句) Who will ____ ____ ____ ____the party?句型转换:1.Who will host the party?(改为同义句)Who will ____ ____ ____ ____the party?2.Her mother gave her a big cake for her birthday.(改为 句型转换:1.Who will host the party?(改为同义句) Who will ____ ____ ____ ____the party?2.Her moth句型转换:1.Who will host the party?(改为同义句)Who will ____ ____ ____ ____the party?2.Her mother gave her a big cake for her birthd the host is the person who i--- the guests at a party who 后面是什么 Go ( ) the street ,turn right ( ) the first crossing.介词填空 用适当的介词填空 Please turn right__the first crossing.二.对括号里部分提问:(Go straight ahead).And you can see Rainbow Primary School.三.阅读,Today is Sunday.Ben is going to the Shanghai Zoo with his classmates.He is going to me 介词填空:Go -------- the street,turn right ----------- the first crossing. Cross the bridge and then turn right at the first-------(turn) 用正确形式填空. 五大文明古国有古印度吗? 关于五大文明古国(看补充)五大文明古国为哪五大?它们之间有何相同点和不同点? my brother spent a few hours finshing his homework yeserday(改为同义句) My father () () an engineer in a big factory. 有一首英文歌的开头是i don't wanna anther pretty face,谁能告诉我这首歌名儿是什么啊, I will never forget the day when we joined the Party.怎样改为两句的简单句