
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 09:45:47
元音与辅音有何不同? 元音有那些,辅音与那些? 什么叫辅音元素啊?什么叫元音因素啊? 什么是辅音元素啊?什么是元音因素啊? 什么是元音音素、辅音因素? 英语 Participant:Full Child or Family member Sibling:Adult:Fees:Participant:Full Child or Family $110.00 / Program member $200.00Sibling:Full child or Family member $75.00 / Program member $150.00Adult:Family member FREE / Program member $1 Daughter:Happy Woman's Day!mom.Mom:_________a.the same to you b.thank you c.happy woman's day这题应该如何回答,我记得我在中学的时候遇到过同样的,好像是选A,我记得不清楚了,有没有权威的答案,请写明出处, 用恰如其分造句 用恰如其分这个成语造句 提防的近义词fgbdgfdghdfrs 写近义词. 提防_() 懊丧_() 一刹那间_() 可恶_() material should vary according to its type,sharp,etc.for example,bitumen,which comes in a variety of forms,is combined with other raw materials in the construction of pavement,waterproofing compounds,and many oters.4696 .First I heard the breeze in the grass,then in the trees.At first it appeared to be nothing more than just a few trees.I thought I was nowhere.Then he had me close my eyes.FirstI heard the breeze in the grass,then in the trees.这里的grass为什么 HOMEWORK代 写有哪些靠谱的 请问“You should use a sharp pencil.”有什么意译? 陆续和注意的近义词是什么 I was thin then否定句 his behavior at the party that night p us all.his behavior at the party that night p us all.nobody know what happened to him. Susan needs a T-shirt for school.对划线部分提问 懊丧的近义词是—— 1.提防,懊丧,可恶,一刹那间的近义词 2.文中描写小狐狸的神态的句子有(    )是在小狐狸和小乌鸦的这篇课文里的~加:3.我想对小狐狸说( ) 懊丧的近义词 Susan needs (a T-shirt)for school,(对打括号部分提问) Cats need food,but more importantly,they need love,清晰地说 赤壁之战吴为什么会取得胜利 英语翻译Coffee has become the most popular American drink.Today people in the United States drink more coffee than people in any of the other countries.People drink coffee at breakfast,at lunch,at dinner and between meals.They drink hot coffee or recommended dose of 2 tablets per day with a meal 是不是一天一次 一次两粒 饭后服用 recommended dose of 2 tablets per day with a meal 是不是一天一次 一次两粒 饭后服用 晚饭 早饭 午饭都可以? 斜背响鼓的背读什么? 赤壁之战是著名的战役,这一战取胜的关键是什么还有两天了,如果回答到关键,我送100Q币,回答问题后加Q397267285,150字以上 take one capsule twice a day ,or as directed by your health care practitioner请问这个怎么样解释.一个胶囊,一天两次?还是一天服两次 我没有你不行英文怎么说 做一回“小军师”.你认为“赤壁之战”的获胜,到底靠的是什么呢?回答