
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 20:04:33
cow写出单词的复数形式 方管弯面积怎么求 胳膊受伤用英语说,是hurt on the arm 还是hurt by the arm英语老师讲这个问题第一次说是by第二次说是on 为了确认下应该是by吧? My arm hurt为什么不用was hurt呢这里hurt的词性是什么 用his arm was playing he he broke basketball when连词成句 有一个零刻度不准的弹簧测力计,在使用之前发现指针正对0.4牛,则物体的重力是多少受力后指针指向3.6牛 小歌唱家小丽两次流泪他的心情有什么不同 So am i.是陈述句,为啥不是So i am. will you save your sister some cake?改为同义句 let you do some exercises 的被动语态 do you want some cake的回答是什么? 英语翻译比较级 The car ahead of me suddenly stopped by the roadside,I think it ___out of gas. 应该选A请详细解释.A.may run B.may have runC.must runD.should have runB是正确的,为什么呢 I think the car will hold out till we get to the village.其中的hold 2010 年8,9月份 北美托福时间 It's far.I___I___walk there.A.think;can't B.don't think;can C.think not;can D.think not;can't seek和seek for的区别 seek 和seek for 区别 I'm your mother grass Your his mother's side,grass!怎么读?you像又,这样的. 新航道托福口语,听说易格英语不错,朋友说那边美国外教一对一针对性辅导,尤其是口语和写作方面提高很大,有上过课的吗_ 关于“声音”的写人记事的作文 又是一年蛙声起 回忆记叙作文600字 旅鼠为什么会投海?在书上看到旅鼠会投海,很奇怪, I had tried out a model like it before,but as i was not yet used so we went together to fetch it的主谓宾 新航道怎么教托福口语,是一对一吗?还是. model before 是啥意思 I had to ( ) my car before the koala.A.stop B.stopping C.stopped 空调水怎么形成? 空调的水是怎么产生的? 为什么空调工作时会产生水我看空调在制冷时会产生很多水,想知道是为什么! 空调水是怎样形成的?