
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 23:45:05
keep moving 和 Anything is possible中间用什么连接词?只要永不止步 一切皆有可能怎么翻译? You are in my heart,still won't change是意思? You are still in my heart! 啥意思 Do you still not understand my heart.啥意思 you're still living,in my heart. will be taking place 什么时态语态 but the distance between places of i_____ is a problem. "Distance is no problem on the interent "的同义句 困难分担就会减半.A problem __ is a problem __. 请问Love is still hasn't happened general www.lvo2.com my heart again in the ----------,we went swimmingA.Being a hot day B.The day being hotC.Due to a hot day D.It was a hot day为什么选B了而不选A,有什么区别吗? taking a trip i'm going on a trip和I'm taking a trip 一样吗 what about taking a trip?翻译成中文. 英文PICTURES是什么意思 a trip in a plane等于什么? 举行用英语怎么说 里面要带take camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.选项:a、treated b、adopted c、adjusted d、cured SEGMENT PICTURES MPEGAV EXT CDI 这些英文该怎么读啊?这些英文是在刻录VCD光盘里的 SEGMENT PICTURES MPEGAV EXT CDI 这些英文该怎么读啊? “脱掉”英语怎么说?Take ____我不肯定是不是“脱掉”啦,不过联系了上下文,应该是这类意思.那么是 Take ____ what is you name 求语法分析!He often speaks ill of me behind my back.He often speaks ill of me behind my back.按我的理解,of 前面应该是名词,怎么能是ill这个副词呢?求语法分析.再讲讲of的其他用法 英语翻译如题,那么翻译对吗?behind能作谓语吗? meimei dances best of all the girls.同义句转换meimei dances -than---.为什么 1.Amy likes eating____(比萨饼)best of all the Western food.2.---What's in your bag?---______.A.No one B.Nothing C.Nobody D.None第一题中比萨饼的复数怎样变化?第二题中选B还是D? 狄更斯小说great expectations《远大前程》的人物简介急需主人公Pip的人物简介和人物性格分析!最好要中文版和英文版都有的!所有的人名都请用英文 远大前程中各个人物的关系 请教两道英文题第一道题:When she got to the office, she ___ a cup of tea.A. made B.was making C. makes D. has made第二道题:I ___ breakfast when the morning post came.A. had B. had been having C. was having D. have been 1.Now more and more animals have less and less land _______.A.living on B.living in C.to live in D.to live on2.Not only your parents but also my father _______ become a teacher.A.is B.are C.has D.have(谢!) i'm sorry,but that's a reference book,you can't check it out.这里的check it out 信中subject的意思是什么 传说中九头鸟有九头一尾,九尾鸟有九尾一头,已知有头495个,尾455个,问两种鸟各有多少只?