
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 02:16:39
my cellphone is more expensive than yours by 500 yuan中by是什么意思 some ,please,tea,bread,have,and排句 一首英文歌 里面带just tell me why you 英语改错题目This car is more comfortable than that one改错:This car is more comfortable than that one . Which is _____,this computer or that one?A much expensive B.more expensive C.expensiver D.the more expensive 黄果树瀑布之岁月如歌的解释拜托各位大神势如万马奔腾阵.任凭水话满天升 岁月如歌是什么意思? I’m still hungry .Can I have some ____________________________(much)? 毛泽东和林彪的军事才能那个强?从1927年到1949年解放,中国共产党经历了无数次战斗,那次我们在宿舍说这个事,我那个同学说毛泽东的军事才能和指挥能力比林彪强,但我认为正好相反,我承认 林彪为什么要毛泽东当国家主席 毛泽东与林彪之间的矛盾 毛泽东,邓小平,林彪的智商各有多少 This car is ____more expensive than that one.A.very B.very much C.quite D.far this computer is very expensive 改为同义句the this computer is very this kind of cimputer is very expensive computer of this kind are very expensive请问,为什么第一个用is,第二个用are?this kind of computer is very expensive 和computer of this kind are very expensive 玻璃传声属于固体传声,固体传声能力比空气强,但是把门窗关闭后,传入室内的噪声却明显减弱,这是为什么 我看了点历史,觉得能打的帝王有秦始皇,刘邦,刘秀,李世民,朱元璋,成吉思汗,毛泽东.假设在一个天下大乱的时期,比如春秋战国,五代十国,清末民初的时候.把那些皇帝放到一个时间段上来,并且 David"s car is much expensive then Bob"s.Bob"s car is ( ) ( ) then David"s 刘邦,毛泽东,朱元璋的共同点,各位可以直言不讳! the car on()left is more expensive than the one on()应该填什么冠词?最后一个空后面没有跟名词,怎么填冠词呢? 对朱元璋的评价要详细一点的. ( )4.Sue’s car is _____ more expensive than mine.A.much B.too C.a lot D.both A and C选哪个呢 如何评价朱元璋如题,对于朱元璋的评价,一分为二,有好有坏,大家有没有全一点的呀,谢谢啦! 对明太祖朱元璋的评价请问,在一些评论中朱元璋是占着什么样的地位对他有什么好的评价和一些不好的评价和朱元璋一样农民起义的开国皇帝还有哪些?个他的一些著名事例!(评价要简要) 英语翻译Polite and cheerful greetings are considered a form of good manners,and can help to bulid up friendships Not much effort is needed just to say “Good morning” or “Hello” when you meet an acquaintance on your way to work." Hi " with 描写月亮的句子,不要诗句 《望月》一课中表现月亮静态美、动态美、朦胧美、色彩美的语句 秦始皇对我国历史作出的最重要贡献是?4.秦始皇对我国历史作出的最重要贡献是A.确立了封建制度 B.建立封建专制主义中央集权制度C.在全国推行郡县制度 D.建立了第一个统一的多民族的封建 秦始皇对中国历史作出的最重要贡献是? 秦始皇对中国历史做出的最重要贡献是___?` 形容月亮的诗句~ A:I 'm hungry.B:Here's some( )for you.A.bread B.orange juice C.hamburgers