
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 17:18:20
写十段优美的句子,一段60字.谢谢. 达人进.Plants grow h___ if they get enough water and sunshine. 《芦花荡》一句话概括快! 怎样用一句话概括《芦花荡》 《芦花荡》中55段到62段写了一件什么事,请用一句话来概括另为在加个问题:第58段中的“好像”能否删去,为什么? 在10分钟内搞定. 谁有What I Wouldn't Give的歌词是holly brook的 What I wouldn't give is to be 17 again. Can you explain the problem to me?It's not within my ________ .A.control B.distance C.range D.reach但我选的A 为什么不对呀.还有其它选项是什么意思 为什么不能用A good idea just ________ me.---------Let's 第十题为什么选B 【英语】高一英语选择题(十)Jack ( ) part in the exam because of his cheating in the last exam.A.is banned from takingB.is banned to takeC.banned from takingD.banned to take 告诉我描写战争的诗词和一个故事 英语翻译Until recently the very appearance of the bank building was designed to make people feel that their money would be safe.我想问一下句子中的very是什么意思 初二数学之黄金分割乐器上的一根弦AB=80CM,两个端点A,B固定在乐器板面上,支撑点C是靠近点B的黄金分割点,支撑点D是靠近点A的黄金分割点.试确定支撑点C到端点B的距离以及支撑点A的距离. 7.I @ regard him as my friend because he has lied to me many timesA no longer B not longer C no more D not more8.He @ a party member last yearA joined B joined in C took part in D became9.There is very little room in the lab because it has @ too much 怎样区分need是情态动词还是实义动词? 寻隐者不遇诗编故事 把《寻隐者不遇》编成一个故事 写一诗描绘的情景 翻译并解释此句的语法结构holiday places of every kind have been set up to meet the Englishman’s need to spend a part of the year by the seaside. 写一诗描绘的情景,怎么写? need什么时候是情态动词,什么时候是实义动词不要太啰嗦哦. need什么时候做情态动词、实义动词need有时候做情态动词,有时候做实义动词,有什么标志吗,比如说后面跟什么形式 可以告诉我need这个单词什么时候当情态动词什么时候当实义动词具体怎么理解谢谢对我的照顾一定要告我啊,拜托我会多给分的谢谢 本人面临升学压力,没有那么多时间整理这些,希望各位兄弟姐妹们帮帮忙! 初一至初三,生物,物理,化学,的实验都有哪些?急 用古诗〈游园不值〉编一个故事 根据《游园不值》编一个故事Help me! 2--9题 地址:联系方式: 求极限limx→0 tanx-sinx/xtanx∧2 一个圆柱形玻璃杯内盛有水,5厘米,玻璃杯内侧的底面积时72平方厘米,在这个杯中放进棱长为6厘米的正方体铁块后,水面没有淹没铁块,这时水面高多少厘米? 初三数学,物理,化学都学了什么