
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 09:16:43
有机物对人类生活的作用 I made some mistakes in the English test yesterday.否定句 首字母为B, 词义是"小", 都有哪些英文单词? 用所给字母组成单词并写出词义1 a,i,n,p,t2a,n,c,e,d3n,y,f,u,n,4a,r,t,y,p5e,e,h,s,p 根据词义或语境和首字母写出单词1.The p_ of a country that has no king or queen is a person who has the hightest political and is the leader of the country.2.When the u_ of twu or more things happens,they are joind toghter and become one 我英语四级没过但是这次错报了六级而且还拿到了准考证,如果我六级这次过了,会有六级的成绩单吗?如果过了会发给我六级的成绩单作为证明吗? 电大英语网考难过吗?没考过信心不足! They usually do some office work weekdays.A.in \x05B.on \x05C.at \x05D.both B and C They are office workes.They work in ___offic.A.a B.an C.some D.all I'm()good terms()Mary and she is my good friend选哪个a.on,/ b./with c.on,with d.with,on dad,t____is mary.she's my friend Mr Green works in an office in France.41saturday ,he went to the offic to do some work..when he goton the elevator .it stopped between the 42.Mr Green could not get outof the elevator .He started to 43,but no one 44 him.41 .A Last B All C None 42 .A 选词填空:lives likes has have family japan makes Mary is from( ).She ( )in China now.She ( )two选词填空:lives likes has have family japan makesMary is from( ).She ( )in China now.She ( )two brothers.They are Mike and Jim.They are eleven.T Mr.Liis busy _some important work in his office.nowAat b.for c,with选?why Here is letter --- Mary --- her friend in Canada.是in,to 还是 from,to 是 to,from 还是 from,in appleggoodukeyoyopenoseraser (找出字母链中的单词,写出来.) 猜单词10字母a place ,typically one which has previously been uninhabited,where people establish a community10个字母 2011年12月4级425可以报6级么?今天放证书时没我证书,只有个成绩单,但是别的人过了的有成绩单成绩单上写了425分 “时尚”这个词出现的时间? 什么是数学文化 电大计算机网考电大网考的操作题 电大网考英语b怎么抄 Some parents make their kids help with housework.为什么不用to help 用的是make sb.Help with吗 Young children help their parents clean their house and do some s_____. 表示漂亮,美丽,圣洁十个字母的单词. 用十个字母组成单词仅用键盘第一排字母,即Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P这十个字母组成一个十个字母的单词 英语翻译It's sometimes warm and another times cold.It's sometimes warm and at other times cold . 下午就要考英语六级了!个人做题水平有限,所以最后做题的时间肯定打不完卷!想要放弃完形填空和选词填空,求高人指点蒙哪个选项准确率高! Mary is shy.she has f() friends in this school. 根据句意或所给首单词写出单词.1:may is a new student.she has f【 】friends in this school.2:he lives far a【 】from his parents,so he can t see them often.3:the park opens for free o[ ]on the last sunday every month.4:she goes to the this is Mary and this is Sue ___ my ____ ( ) A.she"s,friend B.she:s friends C.they"sferiendD. they"re, friends 英语翻译1 天气预报 今天是晴天 ,结果却下雨了.2 天气预报 今天要下雨,但今天没有下雨./ 但今天是个阴天.3 天气预报 今天不会下雨,可还是下雨了.4 最近天气忽冷忽然,天气预报也不是很准确