
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 12:02:09
落幕后的悲伤繁体字怎么写 --共勉是什么意思 “巭孬嫑莪”谁知道这几个字的拼音怎么拼? 共勉是啥意思 巭孬嫑莪,这几个字都念什么,不懂火星文rt 巭孬嫑莪……这个拼音什么? 巭孬嫑莪?谁能告诉我这四个字的正确读音?不要说是:功夫不好不要艹我! 巭孬嫑莪 怎么读 我走忧伤流繁体字怎么写 有必答题20道,答对一题10分,答错扣5分,想要不少于120分,至少答对几道题? 初三一道英语选择Tom wondered_______A whether the meeting would be put offB what has happened to the boyC light traveled faster than soundD the reason that the boy was sad我知道选A,请问原因以及不选D的原因.选B的同学们,你们 英语选择一道(初三)The band —— another new song last month.A writesB writtenC wroteD writing 一道英语选择(初三)Peter asked Tom whether the teacher _______ 5 minutes _______.A.has been there;beforeB.had been there;agoC.had been there;before为什么? 一道英语选择,一定要准确答案!Johnson wanted to know ___with his new car.A.what is wrong B.what wrong is C.what was wrong D.what wrong was 选C还是D?宾语从句不是用陈述语序吗?那为什么这题 Can you tell us what____with Jim 是相互鼓励或激励,常用为“与*共勉”,如:与人共勉,与君共勉, 请您多找一些“孬”,“歪”这样的字叠在一块,且不好表示孬,不正表示歪图个乐 有没有类似歪,孬这样的字歪 就是不正 孬 就是不好 与“不好”为“孬","不正"为"歪"构成相近的字有哪些? 求类似 “孬”这样的汉字 I felt Jim felt ______,didn't he?) happy B) imhappy C) unhappily D) happily I felt very happy yesterday 改感叹句 英语几个难点求助现在完成时动词是用延续性动词还是短暂性动词?There were many people living here,( )(填反义疑问句,说明理由)How long have you ( )the mobile phone?A.had B.bought C.lent D. 共勉之的意思 用所给动词的正确形式填空He with me often___(play)football after school ?的读音与声调?疋pǐ是疋字底,?出现了三个新的读音,值得热烈讨论.pǐ,pie(不知道声调),shū.我想知道的是,?作部首时怎么读? 谁知道“邹”字读音和声调啊? think of me 英文歌词 谁来解这道题2x+2y=6\9x+3y=8 14.9X+0.8=16.8Y 求X,Y的值.x,y都必须是正整数! 谁有有关 “守时” 的名言? Give some helpful tips for overseas business travel.希望高手给出200-300个单词的回答,用英文.