
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 14:33:27
computer are____{wide}used in daily life Computer are w__ used in our daily life还有 write 如何用语被动语态 Computer ______(use)widely in our daily life 英语翻译原文:Thus,the transfer of data from one application to another involves first getting the data to teh computer in which the application resides and then getting the data to the intended application within the computer.已经想明白 All People Seem To Need Data Processing什么意思 An error occurred while processing the data 翻译Systems Applications and Products in Data ProcessingSystems Applications and Products in Data Processing为什么翻译成企业管理解决方案,每个单词是怎么翻的 The computer works very fast,_ data at the speed of light.A.handing B.having handled C.handled D.handles请问为什么呢? 请问谁告诉我一篇关于思考人生的2000字作文? 英语翻译众所周知,巧克力代表着甜蜜和浪漫.当巧克力在你口中融化的时候,美妙的感觉就延展开来.我喜欢吃巧克力,不仅喜欢它带给我的甜蜜和快乐,更重要的是,它为我架起一道爱的桥梁.2.14 帮忙翻译一篇演讲稿 中译英过几天我们英语课需要上台演讲 帮忙翻译一下 就算用自动翻译网站也请核对一下有没有翻译的不怎么贴切的地方 尽量用低级词汇 谢谢咯大家好,非常高兴今天站 英语翻译记者在中国一贫困山区采访时拍摄的一张照片——记者对孩子的母亲说:尽量让孩子少吃这些油炸的速食垃圾食品.孩子的母亲说“ 没关系,不经常吃.但是每年都会给孩子煮一次,因 1.we have widely used computer in our daily life.改为被动语态 take out,take out of的意思及用法当二者作为取出的意思时,是take out sth.还是take sth.out是不是代词放中间?同样,对于take out of而言,从···里取出···所要取出的东西放在take与out中间还是后面?还是 take out of 意思 take...out of.. take out of the stress用一个单词代替是什么? 初一英语演讲稿两三分钟之内的.题材不限. 英语演讲稿要有中文,不要科技文,要适合初一学生的英语演讲稿,大概演讲的时间是3分钟,要适量.请在7号下午前! 一份初一的英文演讲稿关于元旦或圣诞的初一的英语演讲稿帮学妹弄阿~ 初一英语演讲稿3-4分钟左右,附带翻译,中间要求有一个小故事 ___my boyfriend and i decided to get married,my family encouraged us to have a holiday.AS、when怎么填谢谢 演讲稿里最好出现“坠落”两字. the family gathered together to什么 the holiday meals 初一语文课前3分钟演讲稿要250字左右 初一竞选语文课代表的演讲稿尽量要有400字左右,写得好一点. 英语翻译regional news portrayals of global warming and climate change Most American familes like to have a vacation ____ summer.Summer is a good season____ vacations.It is very hot during the moths of Most families like to have a vacation in the summer 改否定句、疑问句、反意疑问句.回答对的,分就给谁!1.He was ____(do) homework at 6 o'clock yesterday.2.Our family were ______(invite) to the party last night.另外不会的给 I can take the pain of infidelity,But I can't take you with him.翻译成汉语 Most American families like to have a h______ in summer.If they live near the sea,they often goto the b_____.They can fish,swim or e_____ the sun t______.