
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/22 15:15:33
We can ride the bicycles.改成双重所有格,我写的是the bicycle can be ride by us.老师批我是错的0.0 he always goes to -------(run)every morning.用run的正确形式填空. 1.Mr.Li is f_____ to his students and they like him a lot.2.——How long did you s_____ in Beijing?——Tow months.3.Today is New Yaer's Day.I got many g_____ from my friends and students. Is Mr.Morrison in his office now?I have a question for himsoory,I don't know ,When __(got to ,had reached,arrived,had arrived at ) his office ,he was not there 英语翻译好像是china responding brand第二个单词究竟是那个? 脱落的近义词是什么 不断的近义词是?..... 不断的近义词是什么 Daniel often has some bread and milk for breakfast (用seldom 改写)Daniel ___ _____ _____bread _____ milk for breakfast We for child-ren of 5-12 beginning school.额,这个句子通不通啊 yy中的数字 1 有什么含义? yy里“请输入数字”是什么意思就是加好友的时候输入了别人的yy号,系统却显示“请输入数字” YY数30的游戏,有什么技巧! 什么是YY数字ID 一个英语问答题:The World Exposition will be held in Shanghai in 2010.How to show our city?马上就要要的,我会加分的,单词不要弄的太深了..只要回答一句话好了,不要文章的,5555~是问答题,不是要翻译.. l'm as old as Jill.(改成一般疑问句,做否定回答)_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Jill?No,_____ _____ . 寂寞的人不同,仰望的星空却是唯一 有Made in China和繁体中国二字的瓷器茶具是什么年代是白色有半透明小圆点, 爱情公寓3里面:“这戒指里有一行字!”“我知道,‘made in China’! yy里扣几扣几是什么意思 YY上的扣1扣2是什么意思? YY扣1扣2是什么意思,怎么扣 (YY频道里的) be good for/to health是be good for health还是be good to health,两者有什么区别和联系 手机YY上的扣1扣2是什么意思?如图 He always takes a shower,gets dressed. He takes a shower every day怎么改一般疑问句, 当你向别人寻求帮助时,应说 A can i help you B excuse me C could you help me 选什么 什么东西或者《动物》《植物》有着对事物执着的追求永不放弃 坚持 寓意也行 伊索寓言10篇概括,大概350字左右,不要太多也不要太少. He is not a person that you can ( ) for helpA.trun to B.take to C.get to D.look up to 应该选哪个啊.顺便翻译一下, 翻译成英语:他凭借着执着的追求和顽强的毅力,终于在自己的研究领域取得了辉煌的成绩,得到应有的荣誉.