
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 10:22:16
what's the difference between China's rule of game and westerners' about life?一个是顺我者昌,逆我者亡。一个是适者生存。哪一个好? What's the meaning of “between ” in Chinese? Fe会变价,有时是三价,而有时是二价,有什么规律没规律就算了 为什么变价元素只有Fe,怎么得来的,还原4.8g金属氧化物,消耗氢气2.106L(标况),生成的金属溶于盐酸,放出氢气1.344L(标况),此金属氧化物为 A.Al2O3 B.Fe2O3 C.ZnO D.CuO 英语中、your和yours有什么区别? Some snakes have a poisonous bite.有些蛇咬了是有毒的.bite怎么放最后了?改成some snakes is poisonous bite everyboby. 加部首,组词 好段及赏析好段加赏析,一定要赏析,不要复制的 I have no friend here 的同义句 I have no friend与I have no friends谁对? 请问I have no friends ____you here.Really?选besides还是except或but 加部首,组词 what do you usually do at weekends?at weekends为什么不用介词on “what kind of dinner do you eat at Christmas Day ”句中的“Christmas Day”为什麼不用on ,而用at? 光是以什么形式传播的? 光以什么形式传播 光以什么的形式传播 Although he is vevy busy,but he often helps us.哪里错了? 光以什么形式传播的 I often clean our ciassroom with tom after school,改为同义句 Tom and I often do our homeworks(哪里错了,帮我改正过来) 光在水里沿什么传播 I often talk to my friend (on the Internet)括号部分提问 We often (talk to her on the Internet).(括号部分提问) 请完成下面的调查问卷 1、Do you use the Internet to send e-mails? If yes, how often——1、Do you use the Internet to send e-mails?If yes, how often—— yes no2、Do you uae the Internet for other reasons?If yes, wh 高温铁铬铝钼(0Cr27Al7Mo2)适合炼什么钢? 我用的igbt型号是h20r1202,标准Vg是5.8伏.我把5.8伏正极接g极,负极接e极.然后把c极和led和100欧电阻和e极串联.正在的情况是,打开g极的5.8伏电源,led立马亮.但关闭g极的电源,led缓慢变暗.这是问什么? Paul doesn't have to be made( ).He is always a hard-working student.选择[a] study [b] to study [c]studied [d] studying请说明理由为什么选它注意这个句子是一个被动语态的句子呀?到底选什么呢? Paul doesn't have to be made ().He always works hardA.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning Simon doesn't have to be made __.He always works hard.A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learning请高手给个确切的答案,再讲下其中的语法知识. Paul doesn't have to be made _____(learn). 跨越速运的 ky-express 这个英文要如何去读?我不会这个英文,你们最好回答的时候给我配上中文