
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:09:53
一元二次方程两个根在什么情况下会是相反数 f(x)=x-2a+4/x-1在x>1时,恒有f(x)>3成立,求a的取值范围 设f(x)x^2-2a+2 当x∈[-1,∞)时,f(x)>=a恒成立,求a的取值范围能不能弄的详细点啊.....我还是看不懂 任意x∈【-1,1】,f(x)=x^2+(a-4)x+4-2a>0恒成立求a的取值范围 按照从左到右从上到下的走法,从A点到B点有____条不同的路线? 若实数a满足|2-a|=2+|a|,化简根号(a-1)的平方   按照从左到右,从上到下的走法,右上图中从A点到B点有______条不同的路线.最好用加法原理或乘法原理解答. 已知实数a在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简|1-a|+根号(a)平方的结果为( ).A 1 B -1 C 1-2a D 2a-1 少年智力开发报人教a版数学1,第12期的高中数学1综合水平测试,急用啊 人教标准版少年智力开发报第15期七年级上册第三章整章水平测试A和B版面答案 the druggist made no immediate more to pick them up这句话是什么意思,句子结构,和词的用法好费解啊.made no immediate more 是什么意思 The computer programs are a puzzle to me.The more I think of them.the more questions I think 0f ______.A.ask B.asked C.being asked D.to askwhy? 2和3相乘,分之1 +3和4相乘分之1 +4和5相乘分之1= 【用简便方法】 5个负数3相乘等于什么,用简便方法5个负数3相乘等于负数3乘于什么 若(2a-5)x/(5-2a)(3-x)=x/x-3成立,a应取何值? 急求矩阵化简规律 ? is more important,Ithink, is that listening to your children can make them opentheir hearts to youA itB whichC whatD as simply mean that the loss of them made me more appreciate what Ihad 最完美的翻译! Sometimes,when you pretend that you don’t care,it will make you miss them more 初三英语英语关于第十单元的题1.They will () ()(出发) on a journey around the world.2.You are too fat and you must () () () ()(不能吃那么多).3.Frank ()(意识到他的错误)and said sorry to Mario.4.A few years ago,it was 求大学新视野大学英语读写课程第二册的习题答案与第二册英语听力答案要新视野的,要TXT的 平面直角坐标系中,点A(-2,1)B(6,5),(1)在x轴上求一点P,使得PA+PB最小; (2)求PA+PB的最小值 第十题, 一又九分之七化成分数是多少 计算sin^210+sin50+sin10sin50的值,要步骤 sin2120°+cos180°+tan45°-cos2(-330°)+sin(-210°) 最好快点、、sin2120°+cos180°+tan45°-cos2(-330°)+sin(-210°) 根据首字母提示,完成下短文The farm is near our village.It's not big.My parents plant two kinds of fruit tree apple trees and peach trees,and we have a________ zoo fruit trees t________. 如图,平面直角坐标系中,点A为(0,2),点B为(6,6),点P是x轴上一动点,当PA+PB的值最小时,求:1、点P的坐标 2、PA+PB的最小值我现在知道PA+PB最小值为10,但是我不知道怎么求P点坐标,还没学到相似三角 平面直角坐标系中,点a的坐标是(-4,4),点b的坐标是(2,5),在x轴上有一动点p,要使pa+pb的距离最短,则点p的坐标是------ 如果sin(α-π/6)=1/3,那么sin(2α+π/6)的值是 根据文章内容及首字母提示完成短文You are never too young to start doing things.Mei Lanfang first p Beijing Opera when he was ten.He was a g Beijing Opera performer in China.He was born in Beijing on October 22,1894.His f was very poor. 根据短文内容和首字母提示完成短文All the family m______try to be back home for the dinner.While they enjoy the dinner,they talk about the past year and the c______new year.