
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 19:31:38
谭家天这个名字翻译成读音差不多的英文名 请帮我把谭家天这个名字翻译成读音差不多的英文名, What day is it yesterday.这个句子是正确的嘛,如果错了,错在哪里. 描写月亮的词语.描写月亮的诗句.描写月亮的词语.描写月亮的诗句. 一根铁丝长48厘米.如果用这根铁丝做一个正方体框架,这个正方体的棱长是( )厘米,体积是()立方厘米;如果用来做一个宽是3厘米,高是5厘米的长方体框架,这个长方体框架的长是( )厘 用英语做自我介绍(年龄、生日、喜欢的学科、才艺及课后活动)不少于40词我12岁,7月19号的,喜欢音乐、体育、美术、数学、才艺是画画好 What day was yesterday的中文 What day ____ yesterday?It was Sunday. 一道关于What day was it yesterday?What day was it yesterday?A.It's Friday 19th.B.It was Friday ,the 19th.其实,问题归根结底就是:提问昨天的星期、日期,问句、答语各用什么时态? 帮我想个好听的英文名,我中文叫丹莎,英文叫什么好啊?顺便给我中文的意思。 could you tell me the way to the cinema的意思是什么 英语中【既可以作连词,又可以作介词】的单词有哪些?请详细说明并附有例句,谢谢! a special gift,英语作文,写中文意思,十五分钟以内交,过时不候是英语作文写意思,不是题目的意思•••••• 求英语高手.根据句意及首字母完成单词,用适当的介词或副词填空.1.People's moods are i_____ by weather.2.Our cars are s______ to yours,only in color.3.I don't like the book because it's b______.4.Why are you ______ a hurry?I'm 英语中一个句子里,一个单词可以同时有两种词性吗?比如既是介词又是连词,还有,一个句子里面某一成分可以有两种语法吗,比如说既是定语又是表语之类的,麻烦帮我举举例子, 英语连词成句,并将的汉语意思写出!英语连词成句,并将的汉语意思写出!1.garlic ,I ,don't,the ,smell ,like,of2.hot ,summer ,me ,too ,for 3.in ,Jinan ,you ,see ,sring ,can many打得好可以加悬赏分!第3是spring哦 打错 Could you tell me which is the way to the cinema的同义句转换下面给的是Could you tell me how to ( ) ( )the cinema .关于节日的话题.如上 it was so hot ____ in the kitchen all day填的是standing为什么是ing形式? Yesterday it was (rain)all day空白处用rain的一种形式填空,改写什么,问题是为什么. It was sunny and hot_____ all day.空上填下面哪个答案?最好说明理由.A on B in C at D\ (唯爱,唯有你是我今生的真爱)用英语怎么写出来 great weather it was sunny and hot all day we went to a beautiful beach we had great fun playing inthe afternoon we went shopping the shops were too crowded so i didn it really enjoy it 翻译成中文 it was all part of a day's work.如题 英语翻译Did the people who persuaded you have greater passion,greater skill,or greater understanding of the persuasion process?我想问问 大伙儿是怎么翻译的?这到底是什么语法?看样子是采用定语从句了,可具体怎么翻 具体点的 不要词面翻译! 英语翻译分析了硅片pton/碳纤维复合材料及硅橡胶组成的三层胶接结构的热应力分布我从句这么写对不?which was consisted of silicon chip,kapton film,composite and silicon rubber主要是which和consisted用的对不 绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运 可以是形容春天的,要短而好记的 要简单点的,字数不太多就可以. it is not time to stop什麽意思啊, What an unforgettable day it was.用how的同义句是?