
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:19:30
张曼玉的英文名Maggie Cheung的Cheung是什么意思?为什么要拼成cheung而不是zhang 周华健的 难念的经是什么地方的口音?是粤语 还是闽南语 或者上海话 怎么改正发音首字母为T,L,D字的大舌头我说发音以T,L,D开头的字时咬字不清,但是单独说一个字可以,两个或多个连在一起说就不行了,例如:点点滴滴.怎么办呀..例如说弟,天,力量时,舌头应放在 请问"大舌头"有什么办法能改 就是说话不清楚 英语翻译A business trip to Tel Aviv - now,of all times!He searched for all possible excuses- it was no use.He just had to fly even though there is the Puppy Derby in Monmore Green!As always,he had placed more than his hopes on his champion and no 英文句子找错I’m *** from ***.Today I feel so glad and also very lucky to be here to learn from other friends and also give my speech on such a beautiful day!Well,I 'm fifteen now.And I think my hobbies just like a colorful spring.I like to re 英文句子找错.I hope I could be allowed to make decisions for me.He was lucky because only little people can become professional athletes .If you want to study English well,you need to practice it everday .以上这个3个句子,哪儿错了阿! 说话结巴怎么办小时候班里一同学说话结巴 我觉得好玩 就学他 结果现在说话有时候会结巴 怎么办啊 ( )you turn off all the lights when you leave the classroom.Ato make sure Bmake sure Cmaking sure为什么选B 大舌头发音我觉得我 二 四 十发音怎么说都说不好自己在家一个人也不知道怎么练习 大家帮我想想办法 补充:本人小时候去医院看过 医生说我硬件方面没任何问题 大舌头g怎么发音我有点大舌头,g发不清,想矫正,求帮我解决一下 咆哮歌词,韩文,把韩文的音翻译成中文 某(姓氏)总经理用英文怎么说?例如刘总/王总.哪些需要大写?最好是 用个修饰下.例如刘总辉煌 用英文怎麼说? 中国的姓:常 在英文里用字母写出来是什么?难道还是Chang?我知道 蔡 英文是Chua 请权威人士解答, 姓常 怎么翻译成英文 英语:what time ( )prefer?你喜欢什么时候?补全怎么说? 英语翻译what do you prefer to be paid for this?You can charge it if you like duck的音标 pupil的音标,area的音标 pupil 和duck 中的u 发音相同吗? duck ck的音标 duck的音标是什么样? 名字中的川怎么翻译成英文,不要拼音那种,比如张是chang 英语翻译nobody liked my world as you didafter you nobody could impress menobody lime me and you fake lovenobody betrayed you as I didbeing by my side brought nothing to youyour laughter had no difference from your sobsyou were belittled everyday 英语翻译Stranger He is a bad fellowStrangers are like this,they leave you high and dryYou go through a bad patchWhen you have my curse following you instead of my shadowThe "alas!" aren't decreasing,they are increasingYou spend the years repeatin 特别的女英文名、我名字叫陈楠.想取一个英文名,女的、最好是三个字母,N开头的.不是也没关系.最好是N开头的要有含义。本人是那种比较热情,好玩的人。 给我几个NBA球星名字英文读音音标; (1)麦迪 (2)科比 (3)詹姆斯 (4)韦德 (5)罗斯 (6)霍华德 (7)乔丹 (8)...给我几个NBA球星名字英文读音音标;(1)麦迪(2)科比(3)詹姆斯(4)韦德(5)罗斯(6)霍华德(7)乔丹(8)奥 英语翻译 谢谢你给的珍贵记忆英语怎么说RT 英语翻译 帮忙起个特别点的英文名.要S开头的,做好有g和y...不要太常见的, 帮忙起个英文名,我的名字:姚中兴,男的,johnson怎么样