
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 07:30:37
you can't give too much food to the fish.(改为祈使句) ---—— ——— ——— -—— food to the fish because of you·It is ok·As long as you love me哪首好听?我想精选一首到我空间,由于其他四首太好听,现在一共只能添加五首背景.真不知道TX怎么想的..请先全部听一遍再下结论. Is it ______today?A.Mother's Day B.Mothers'Day C.Mothers Day D.Mother Day 怎样复习高中知识 百度提问love is so short,and oblivion so long.这句子有语法上的错误吗?麻烦分析下、谢谢 怎样更科学的复习? The love is short.but forget is so long! 什么意思?拜托各位大神帮助我把这英语翻译出来啊,.谢谢 Groove coverage为什么写seven years and fifty days Love is so short,forgetting is so long,Why? 7.人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重.Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.高考这个可以用吧.感觉.不过---内写什么不会错.这个句子感觉怪怪 seven years and fifty days的歌词 Love is so short but oblivion so Pollution is a great problem which man faces today这句话对吗为什么对?我记得是sb be faced with sth吧 为什么这里是主动呢 求音乐:seven years and fifty days The problem that we are facing now is how to get money帮分析句子什么从句 为什么不是同位语从句 <seven years and fifty days>这首歌MV什么意思我看到MV里面的女主什么都吃 吓得我都不敢看了 The most serious problem _our teacher is… a.facing to b.facing写原因如题 首字母填空Let's make an a __ for tonight's film.What about 6:30 outside the cinema? Let's take a look at the film guide first.该否定句take a look at the film guide first. 下列物品可用铝及铝合金制造的是()1.炒菜用锅2.电线电缆3.枪弹、炮弹4.汽车、飞机5.建筑门窗A只有3..B4.5 .C1.3.5 .D1.2.4.5. 一只燕子2.5小时飞行425千米,一只鸽子2小时飞行148千米.燕子的飞行速度是鸽子的多少倍? 一只鸽子2.5小时飞行啦167.5千米,一只燕子,平均每小时飞行93.5千米,鸽子平均每小时比燕子少飞多少千米? 鸽子的质量比燕子大,动能相等,那是燕子比鸽子飞得高还是燕子比鸽子飞得快 一只鸽子0.5小时可飞行6千米,照这样计算,鸽子飞行24.36千米,需要多少小时?不列方程 低压计量时能否将CT、PT接于计量柜外,经二线引至计量柜由于计量CT二次接线盒要求铅封,要是将CT、PT 接于计量柜后或者前母线上,是否违反相关的电力规范,电力公司是否允许呢? They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of ( ) could be considered as a very poor family.为什么这里面填what?填which不可以吗? days and nights well spent.请叫我medieval southern italy什么意思 daniel and l are both members of the get fit club.today we talk about the food in our lives.daniel likes h【 】while l like a bowl of r【 】at a meal.and l like f【 】.l think it is healthy.but l do not likes e【 】.daniel does not like eggs Today we can use the I_____to do our homework. i talk to sue about our lunch date.i cant meet her today because i am not feeling well.a...i talk to sue about our lunch date.i cant meet her today because i am not feeling well.acan bmust cwould dmight填哪个?为什么? She worked three days a week for seven weeks at the Grand Rapids Comprehensive Therapy Centre. She sleeps (seven) hours every day 对划线部分提问