
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:21:41
I think my answer would be a yes because I'm afraid that's the most naive and carefree life I've ev中文 Most citizen think that the government -----the food standard,putting people's health atrisk . A can have lowered Bmustn't have lowered C should have lowered D shouldn't have lowered 填空:i think she's right because ( ) health habits( ) important What do you think is the most important factor that leads you to buy something,price,quality why? 取一个英文名字,好听好记,两个音节,就酱= = 请高手帮想个男生个性的英文名字、、、个性的、好听的 I think the most important thing is ______I think the most important thing is ______(学到东西并感到愉快)(something) I think an umbrella is the most important thing_______.A.to pack B.packing C.to packing D.packed 关于简爱的500词英文读后感 错误少点的 简爱英语读后感150-200词,符合初一身份的,发邮箱bbtiger@126.com 打头字母猜字,GRWHSBSHYGR,每个字母是一个字的拼音开头, a是汉字首字母 可能是什么字 《刚》字用那几个字母拼写出来? Where do you think shall we have the meeting?怎么改正呢. where shall we have our evening meal (同义句)where shall we ________ ________ I think you should make a mark where you have stopped __________ so that you can know where to go on _________ whenever you pick up the book again.A.reading; reading B.to read; reading C.reading; to read D.to read; to read 帮我起个有个性的男生英文名?我性格随和,文静.如果可以.我想我的英文名长一点,最好有中文翻译.我不要那些普通的名字,好像什么 tony 之类的我的中文名带个 伟 shall we have a meal at Pizza Hut this evening?( ) ( )have a meal at Pizza Hut this evening?同义句转换, 改错I have nothing do this evening.Shall we goshopping? 日本地震以后,宫崎骏怎么样了? 日本地震宫崎骏没震到吧?保佑吉卜利工作室没塌,保佑宫崎骏没事…… 日本地震宫崎骏博物馆没事吧? 宫崎骏这次日本地震去世了?不要啊 求两篇英语读后感,每篇120词左右,请注明是什么书的读后感 求用英文写的读后感,120词左右 现在日本发生九级地震是世界上最大的地震么? Where______can we see this signA.too B.also C.as well D.else急用~2.You mustn't play______fire.A.on B.to C.with D.for 日本的地震是8.9还是9级? 词性变换.The sign " THIS SIDE UP "----------------(see) on a box. 日本9级地震发生在哪里? The sign"this side up" is often seen____A.on a box B.in the street C.at a police station D.post office 日本会发生9级地震吗