
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:19:48
低分过得四级是继续考好还是报六级好,英语四级是过了就可以 还是对后来就业有影响?到时候是看四级还低分过得四级是继续考好还是报六级好,英语四级是过了就可以 还是对后来就业有影 请问过了英语四级还可以再报一次名,然后也报考六级吗?大学英语四级已经过了,但是分数不高,想再考一次,我可不可以这一次既报四级又报六级?在我印象中,四级与六级是同一天考,但是四级 英语翻译我的硬盘健康吗?我只看的懂一点,好象是健康的……………………Transfer Rate Minimum :29.2 MB/secTransfer Rate Maximum :59.4 MB/secTransfer Rate Average :46.8 MB/secAccess Time :13.8 msBurst Rate :80.1 MB/secCPU Usa 英语翻译at least one area of drive C has sustained physical damage,although such damage might be caused by an isolated incident such as a power failure,it is often a sign of impending hardware failure.back up your files as soon as possible,for mo 英文翻译,求英语高手帮忙翻译一下请不要随便套用些翻译网站或软件来敷衍我,谢谢啦Note, however, that Airgas's arguments are not “just say no”; they are that the company needs more time to increase its value. These 英语翻译请不要随便套用些翻译网站或软件来敷衍我,But the mechanics of what happened upon eBay becoming a competitor still could have been spelled out better.I certainly think it odd that the parties would phrase it here as eBay l 硬盘用英语怎么翻译? They ____busy with their work and have to ___ their son at home by___ he is the one of the student who is from china 与he is one of ```who are的比较 a.He is the only one of the students that _______ got full mark.b.He is one of the students that ______ got full make.A.is B.are C.has D.have分别填C、D,为什么? Most people have jobs.They go to work nearly every day.Some people are luck:they have very interesting jobs and earn a lot of money .Most people are not so lucky :either their jobs are not very interesting or they don't earn a lot of money.The most i he is one of the student who is from china 与he is one of ```who are的比较0 he is one of the best students ____Chinese history very well 选哪个 (我希望我以后可以积极发言)用英语怎么翻译 英文商业邮件 希望有人可以帮我翻译成英文 Dear Boss:以下附档是今天去验货056的照片,请你确认 ① 生活中哪些场合要比较运动快慢?具体又是怎样比较快慢的?②某人在公路上骑自行车,经过40分钟,骑了14千米.某运动员百米赛跑的成绩是12.5秒.两者中哪个速度大?具体写出比较过程. ( ) of the students in our class ( ) from the country A three fifth,is B three fifths,areC third fives,are Dthree five,is what did Mr Green say just now?--He asked us ( )A what will the weather be like B what the weather would like C what the students in the class three还是用of? do they have a short rest after lunch?的同义句有什么至少有2句 they are very tired.why [don't they,not they,do they,not to] have a rest They hope to have a good rest=They hope ___ ___have a good rest. They wanted to have( )rest.这是一道选项题.A.a little minute'sB.minuteC.a few minutes'D.two minute Do they have a short break after lunch?翻译 各位英语达人,“验货引用表”用英语怎么翻译?急, 英语翻译1.COLOUR FASTNESS ON WATER,WET&DRY RUB AND WASHING - LEVEL 4 MINIMUM2.DIMENSIONAL STABILITY TEST3.ÖKOTEX STANDARD 100 CERTIFICATE CRITERIA FOR CLOTHING INTENDED FOR CHILDREN/ BABIES (LIST OF REQUIREMENTS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST)4.THE 长度的测量是生活中最基本的测量,估测是生活,生产中经常使用的一种方法.如果晓娜想测量从家到学校的距离,请你写出粗测这段路程的两种方法.(1)__________________;(2)__________________. 超急!"现实生活中日人们是如何测量瞬时速度的? 在生活中,我们常会用到方法来测量一些特殊的方法来测量物体的长度.例如:累积法、化曲为直法、滚轮法.一、“天下黄河富宁夏”.黄河从中卫市南长滩(A)入境宁夏,至石嘴山市头道坎(B 想考过英语4、6级看什么书好 They often play chess after they have had supper.这里 have had supper.怎么理解They often play chess after they have had supper.这里 have had supper.怎么理解,是不是从句的发生时间在主句之前,用完成态,这里的现在完成 all the time怎么简写 time killer英语缩写是什么?3QRT