
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:22:59
1.The hospital is _____ our school.A.at the middle of B.in the front of C.next toD.after2.It's getting dark.You'd _____ go out.A.better not toB.better don'tC.not betterD.better not 3.To teach English is hard work for him ,_____?A.isn't it B.doesn't h 英语 有____(environment )problem ______(polluted)problem 为什么我们老师前一个填environmental后一个是pollution 一个形容词一个名词 有什么讲究嘛 高中英语外研社必修1~5和选修6~8的单词录音、和课文录音发给我一下吧.hsy1994214@foxmail.com 划线处不理解, 我喜欢某些玩具,但我不喜欢别的玩具I like ______ ______,but I don't like_____ ______.根据对话内容及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词,使对话正确,完整Tom,what are you doing?I'm p_______ with my toys.Could you please d 划线部分不理解 并说出理由1.Though it was almost ten at night,Peter_____at the desk.A.has still worked B.had still worked C.was still working D.still worked2.Up to now one of the groups____ a decision where to go for a picnic.A.have not made B.has not made C.do 划线处不理解,一个方向加速一个方向减速,这先负功后正功咋知道的 英语问题询问(八年级内容)1.I got better r___ (这里填result,是单数还是复数形式?)of the examinations than Jack last term.2.—___ will she finish making the last movie?—In a week.A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How m 划线处不理解,何为位移分量差·····划线处不理解,何为位移分量差,沿x轴方向,为初速v0*cosa,加速度d*sina,y轴方向也是类似的匀变速运动,那么为什么这条曲线是抛物线,求推导(解析式) The shop if close from 11a.m.till 8 p.m.这句话有没有错误?close能不能换成open? What time ( ) the shop ( ) on Sunday? A.do;open ,B.does; open C, is;close D,is;opened 3.5×1.5×4简便运算 公式,为什么的, 2CuH 2HCl=CuCl2 2H2//请问一:氧化挤,还原剂是?答案说是cuh既是氧又是还,但铜上升不就应该HCL的H下降吗?二:为什么会出现三种物质的化价变化,以前接触完全不同?麻烦详细文字说明,图片看不了 七年级数学下册第二章提纲 人教版七年级数学下册第一章和第二章提纲和课后题答案新版的 ,答得好还会给分 The museum is open from Sunday to Friday(同义句) The museum is open ___day___Saturday The museum is open to the p___ from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm every day.参考是public,people可以吗 the museum is open d__ from 9 in the morning untill 16 in the afternoon Excuse me,sir.Is the swimming pool open all day?--- _____.Only from 6:30pm to 9:30 pm.A Yes,of course B That is right C Sorry,I am not sure D Soryy,I am afraid not 已知下列分子或离子在酸性条件下都能氧化KI,自身发生如下变化H2O2 →H2O IO3— →I2 MnO4—→Mn2+ HNO3→NO如果分别用等物质的量的这些物质氧化足量的KI,得到I2最多的是A.H2O2 B.IO3— C.MnO4— D EXCEL公式套用问题有一张数据表,EXCEL如果根据前面一列内容的不同,而决定除数的不同.如图所示,在“包数”这一列中,如何让系统自动判断,是因为其是PP种类,而用数量/25. 就是100/25=4.而ASA种类, 某班统计数学成绩,得平均分为85.15,经复查,发现吴江的87分误成78分,平均分为85.31有学生( )人 七年级下册数学图形的全等知识框架 七年级下册期中数学试题为什么没有图? 平面直角坐标系中图形面积综合题在平面直角坐标系中 直角三角形ABC的两直角边分别于坐标轴平行 已经知道A(0,3)B(12,3) C(12,9)D(12,6 ) 有知道D为BC重点 动点P以每秒1各单位的速度沿着 会计怎么用英文定义. 用英语说明会计是什么 she was watching TV when her mother was doing the washing.为什么wathing 和doing前面都要加was? 七年级下册生物知识手抄报内容求.急七年级下册生物手抄报内容. 在数列an中,a1=1,当n大于2时,前n项和Sn满足Sn的平方=an(Sn-1/2) 求数列an的通项