
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:28:15
竹子的茎中间有形成层么? __ __are they having?They are having a music class.__ __ does the next class begin?At ten fifty__ __English lessons does he have every week?Five.填空 my school is about twenty____walk from here.It takes ----ten hours to get there.It's ____long time They play basketball (after school)对括号提问 It's (about an hour's walk) from here to school. 这个句子:Why did you take so long to park the car?不是说take只能it当主语吗?为什么可以用you啊? 南极冰川近年来减少了多少 park,you,take,long,to,it,how,did,get,the,to(连词成句) 五种含C.H或C.H.O的有机化合物的结构简式,他们的蒸汽完全燃烧时需要4.5倍于其体积的氧气,产生3倍于自己的二氧化碳 一人在自动扶梯上,自动扶梯速度V1,同时也相对于自动扶梯有个V2的速度,请问这时人的受力情况怎样 关于力的物理题,自动扶梯问题人在站在上面受到的力?有没有受到推力的作用?不懂...有摩擦力? ____you to get to school on foot? about twenty minutes It is twenty minutes on foot from the park.乘火车去公园要20分钟.The station is from the park 由H,O,Mg,S,K五种元素可以组成什么化合物? 由H﹑Be﹑C﹑Mg﹑K组成的化合物 社会主义初级阶段的公有制经济包括什么? How are you getting on with you training for Oxfam Trail walker?请问答案选Very well还是Very good?答案是Very well,想知道为什么选well不选good 怎么形容焰火 怎么描绘烟火 对我国社会主义初级阶段起主导作用的经济是什么?1.国有经济 2公有制经济 银杏,国槐,悬铃木,杨树,柳树,榆树,臭椿这些都是浅根系还是深根系呀 they're going to hold a basketball game on the playground tomorrow. 划线部分提问.划线部分是“on the playground tomorrow”.______ ______ ________ are they going to hold a basketball game? 英语课文翻译 根据括号里的提示,写出答句 2.A:what are they going to do tomorrow?(play basketball) They are going to (watch a basketball game.)对括号里提问有会者请回答.谢谢 奥数题库甲乙丙3人,甲没分走60米.乙没分走67米,丙没分走73米,甲乙从东,丙从西同时相向而行,丙遇到乙后10分钟再遇到甲.求东西相距多少千米? 有甲乙丙三人,甲每分钟走50米,乙每分钟走40米,丙每分钟走60米.甲出发40分钟后于乙相遇有甲乙丙三人,甲每分钟走50米,乙每分钟走40米,丙每分钟走60米.甲乙从东村,丙从西村同时出发相向而行, 甲、乙、丙三人,甲每分钟走60米,乙每分钟走67米,丙每分钟走73米,甲、乙从东镇,丙从西镇同时相向而行,丙遇到乙后10分钟再遇到甲,求两镇相距多少米?要算式,迅速迅速, 请问:只由蛋白质和核酸组成的生物是否一定没有细胞核?为什么 They ran to school ______(watch) a football game. we need your support Oxfam trailwalker课文翻译 In Hong Kong,Oxfam Trailwalker has become a culture of charity and health,and you can see Oxfam Trailwalker posters everywhere……谁有这篇阅读理解的原文和翻译啊? 甲乙丙三人行路,甲每分钟走60米,乙每分钟走50米,丙每分钟走40米.甲从A地,乙和丙从B地同时出发相向而行,甲和乙相遇后,过了15分钟又与丙相遇.求A,B两地间的距离.