
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 14:47:25
初二地理求解答.第三十三题.谢谢. 12.关于土壤,下列说法不正确的是 A.从岩石变化到土壤的主要原因是风化 B.植被受到破坏是水土流失的主要原因 C.土壤中的非生命物质主要由水、有机物、矿物质等组成 D.壤土类土壤有利于大 将圆盘10等分,指针落在5的倍数的区域的可能性是 七年级语文《童趣》译文 He is _____ (尽力) to break the record 语法填空.20.He is still waiting to find out if he ___ (break) the record or not .求解析.原文:Phil White has just returned from an 18,000-mile, around-the-world bicycle trip.White had two reasons for making this epic journey.First of all he he did very well,but he failed ____the record.A,breaking B,on breaking C,to break D,having brokenhe did very well,but he failed ____the record.A,breaking B,on breaking C,to break D,having 我选的C fail应该是 fail to do 和 fail in dong 对么 He ( )(成功)in breaking the world record last month.说明一下理由 8.用英文字母表示不同的生物,用箭头表示食性关系,当环境发生变化时,下列哪种食物8.用英文字母表示不同的生物,用箭头表示食性关系,当环境发生变化时,下列哪种食物链或食物网中a种群较 指南针有两个箭头.一个是红的另一个是银的,还有四个英文字母,到厎是怎么样 求科学八下 叶的蒸腾作用 习题 如题.要求:2,分提高题,基础题3,一共20道 could you please tell me+hou i could get to the library还是 which is the way to the library原因: —Could you please tell me _________________?—Yes.There is one on Center Street.A.where can I buy some stamps B.when you will take your vacationC.when was the telephone invented D.if there are any good restaurants around here 做家教,小孩不听话怎么办?同时带4个,3个都比较听话,只有1个很顽皮,经常对我的安排不满小声嘟囔,叫他做什么也拖拖拉拉不肯做,头疼!我想如果是1对1的话会好一点,我可以一直盯着他,但是现 那像刚刚那样Must I send our children to school的school能加S不? 孩子不听话,调皮怎么办? 做家教,小孩不听话~十一岁的小男孩,特别调皮,做鬼脸、骂人、写字不好好写、做题也不看题目就瞎写,让他改也不改.没有荣辱观,哄也不听,又是别人家的孩子,不能来真的,可怎么办啊? 孩子特别不听话怎么办孩子九岁了!说什么都不听! 在甲图填上8个不同的数,使指针停在质数区域的可能性是八分之三;在乙图填上不同的数,使指针停在偶数(接上面)区域的可能性是停在奇数区域的可能性的三分之一. 写秋景的宋词全诗 如果13岁的男孩子孩子不听话怎么办?我家儿子13岁了,现在有自己是主意了,根本听不进去大人的话!你用尽了软硬的办法都没用!那么现在我可以在非常生气是情况下揍他吗?真的很生气的情况下 i never have a dream come true的主唱女声版本是谁唱的 急求描写江南山水的宋词,元曲,民歌, Dad,I am going to have a picnic with my friends tomorrow.A.Good idea!B.Have a good time!C.Why not?D.Come back home early. I am going to ( ) happy ( ) my picnic tomorrow.填括号里的单词 I'm going to have a picnic tomorrow.的意思 I am going to a test tomorrow填什么?是be还是have理由在TO 后补充 读后感400字怎么写?读后感400字汉语怎么写? dream true my came last brother his at worked hard and 连词成句 英语翻译just trust yourself endless human Wisdom I love to appreciate and create . _____he had never worked so hard in his life.选择A.It seemed to me that B.He seems as if C.There seemed that D.He seemed like oh,i know.what's that?翻译中文