
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:54:55
hough I admire him much as a writer 改成as 的倒装句 Your language teacher looks a rather kind woman.为什么选B啊 ?Your language teacher looks a rather kind woman.:But in fact she is cold and hard on us .You ______believe it.a.shouldn't b.wouldn't 为什么选B啊 .Most of us want to know your _________(one’s regular business for one’s free time for fun). whatever decison youare going to make i'm behind youkuai chant什么意思 say a chant是什么意思. 中间是th 六个字母 单词 crowd crowd Is your teacher a man?(作肯定回答 什么时候population用复数?是什么时候用复数呀! population 作主语,畏谓语动词单复数的用法? need 后面跟什么 need后面接什么做宾语 need后面跟什么 "黑云翻墨未遮山"出自哪首诗? 黑云翻墨未遮山是什么意思? 黑云翻墨未遮山这诗句是说什么? 关于学分的问题,学分是怎么计算的?我想知道. 黑云翻墨未遮山是什么季节的诗 黑云翻墨未遮山 诗句是说? I am very (tired,tiring)after running.We are (excited,exciting).We have a trip.选词填空的题,我是小学毕业生, Although we are very tired,____ we shall work.A butB.soC andD still We are very tired.What ___stopping here and having a rest中间填介词. need有没有单三形式? need(单三形式) 当need作“需要”讲时,后面接的动名词会有哪些变化?或有某种含义? 英语中的need怎么分词性 请问下大家知道起点的上传字数是怎么计算的 说出来吧,本人先在此谢谢大伙 这种题句首括号里给出一个动词时怎么判断填原形 动名词 还是不定式 need后面什这种题句首括号里给出一个动词时怎么判断填原形 动名词 还是不定式 need后面什么时候加to do .什么时 Drinking a lot of water also deeps your menory ________(health )求详解 glasses什么意思?