
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 06:31:47
用五年级第四单元日积月累造句是一段话, 用日积月累一词造句? make a sound The terrible noise made the boy______(wake)the whole night. 关于包拯的高中作文素材 作文:用歇后语变一个故事.我想用:包公放粮——为穷人着想.这个歇后语,谁能帮我编一个.最好是这个歇后语,其他的也没关系,(注:需要些400多个字,如果觉得麻烦的话,提供一些素材、思 有没有写包拯的作文,500字左右 廉洁作文,最好是以读后感的形式来写.看见包公多么廉洁.尽快 You're a good a boy改成否定句意思不变? Is Dat U?Buddy 这句话是什么意思 who has _ told you about that I'm a basketball fan.I don't like reading at allI don't like reading a story.How about______a story? buddy是什么意思 buddy的意思 包拯第三段运用什么描写 对包公的描写一定要细致哦 “朝野”一词是什么意思? 文言文“礼成,释服而散,朝野义之”解释 选自 贞观政要 蜚声朝野怎么解释 什么是朝,什么是野,为什么会这样说呢? 我国目前的朝野博弈日趋恶性竞争 he looked at me _____(angry) when I interrupted him "熟"字按音序查字法,应查音序( ),音节是( ). 文言文《包拯》重点写了包拯的()()的特点,穿插运用了()的描写;“拯性峭直····若孙也”重点写了包拯的()的特点,主要运用了()的描写 求包拯相貌的描写,50字 In China,when people drink coffee,they usually have several cups of tea()they throw the same tea leaves away,but in western contries,people will order another cup if they have finished the first cup.A.after B.while C.since D.before AS his parent,you shouldn't have your child_____such a book为什么是reading ,不是read have sb. do sth.不是也表示“让 / 叫 / 使某人做某事吗?怎么从题意看出是延续的? 洛克王国洛克王国轻风山怎么去 美国佬经常说一些无法用语法解释的话.我玩游戏看到一堆这样的话:问别人你喜欢什么枪——ah,what gun you like 还有Do he want kill me!之类的.真蛋疼.可我们还在学着各种语法. 新闻学的基本原理是什么rt 洛克王国 清风山的宠物怎么打一只,全部都不见了? With a great c____of books,our school library is one of biggest. 请问这个空怎么填?要以C开头的是一个词。。。以C开头的一个词…………不是词组 great changes have taken place in our school since the government did something to cotrol schoolgreat changes have taken place in our school since the government did someth to cotrol school management 作文