
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:05:59
求个街舞名·本人跳breaking的要好听·英文的·· 雪人用英语咋说? 推雪人,用英语说 I want to make love with you when you have the 湖北省随州市历山镇红星村1组英文怎么读 随州市用英文怎么写 英文名字是什么? “随州市曾都区实验中学'标准英文翻译. 街舞俱乐部的英文翻译街舞俱乐部翻译成英文怎么说啊? 是Work hard as you may还是Work hard as may you "Work as hard as you can,Frank," the teacher said.The teacher told Frank to work as hard as______.(2 分)A.you canB.he canC.you couldD.he could who (works) as hard as you work加s是为什么 英语翻译Inparticular,younger generations the world over who can afford access to media technologies like cable television and the Internet often encounter the same media such as advertisements,films,TV channels,popular brands and so on.encounter 英语翻译“If a state expels a person from its territory,only the state of which the person is a national is obligated to receive him.” 因为我昨天补课没时间写作业英语怎么说? 没时间去某地 英语怎么说? As a student,your task is _____(work) hard.怎么填?为什么? A good student should work hard at his ________and know how to keep ________. 我的寒假生活作文 今天教了初三英语用过去时或现在完成时,可是没听懂,老师发了一张练习,完全做不来啊!如果看不清楚照片, 孩子英语发音不标准怎么办? 正么做啊这道题快. Nancy have a good time at Millie's party. 急快 Nancy have a good time at Millie‘s party 哪错了 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 现在完成时请详解My uncle ( )abroad for years because he has no business there.A.has not been B.has not goneC.was D.is 地球的质量为5.08x10的24次方kg,一个卫星的周期是5.58x10的3次方s,它运行轨道的半径为多少? 广告的汉英翻译论文我的毕业论文是分析广告的汉英翻译.请问论文中举出的汉语广告例子,对应的英文译本是需要自己翻译,还是可以直接用别人翻译好的? 如果用现成的,需要注明出处吗? 谢 某人造地球卫星质量为1400kg,离地面高度为6.4×10六次方,卫星做匀速圆周运动.已知地球半径为6.4×10六次方,g0=10m/s2,求1.卫星受到的向心力大小2.卫星的速率 哪个网又中英文互译的文章故事之类的