
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:05:37
some wildlife 后面动词怎么变 assure make sure issure 的用法 一首英文歌里面有一句it is only for a day 求一首英文歌.歌词好象有the sun is shining the birds are singing it's a lovely day it is a new 绞丝旁加一个食是什么字? 把馁的食字旁换成绞丝旁是什么字 计算机英语中Bcast是什么意思 It is Sunday today.Kate is shopping with her mother.She wants to buy a new dress.In a clothes shop,she finds a yellow one.She tries it on,and it's too small.All the b______ ones are not yellow. david is the best player in skill in our team.david is out of question the best player in _____skill in our team.A / B the 为什么选A 觉得用the很顺口啊 Tom is one of the best player in the city football team.找出错误并改正 用be或have的适当形式填空:______ Li Tian the best player on our natianal football team? who is the best football player in the world Zhengzhi?zhengzhi shi zui hao de zu zhi zhong chang? 求Glee剧中"it s my life+confession"这首歌的歌词就是第六集中那首歌的歌词,因为实在找不到了,所以想问一下有哪位可以复制一份上来~ last weekend,通常作为什么句子成分?为什么有时候前面又加上了介词?为什么有时候前面又加上了介词? last weekends前还加介词 what did you do last weekend?在do 和 last 之间为什么没有介词啊,本人菜鸟一个,望高手相助, 有个英文歌,歌词带It's a wonderful world ,一个外国女的唱的,叫什么啊 求一首歌词以it's wonderful day .开头的英文歌的歌词,女生唱的很轻快歌名 Do the younger generation know the best?If no,the reasons;If yes,the reasons(different reasons;different ideas)more details.Please speak English. 绞丝旁加一个束字怎么读? My mother is going to the (s ) this evening.She wants to buy something for her children. it's my life视频讲的什么意思最近看了it's my life的视频,里面有跑酷的元素,但是剧情一点看不懂,请大侠们帮忙解释一下这个视频讲了个什么事情吧! 《智代AFTER~IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE~》 2222乘22222等于几 数学22222..请告诉过程哈...已知点A(3,0),B(-5,8),求经过A点与B点,且与X轴相切的圆方程? I will come back啥意思? We have all read storise about movie stars committing suicide or dying from drugs.committing suicide or dying from drugs是作什么成分?求语法讲解! 英语翻译翻译:will not forget you.Waiting for you come back .i hope you come back .the first contact is me Look at the picture.It means an English word.What is it?(一个小男孩在游泳,嘴里叫着“Dad”)A.Help B.Season C.Father D.Water ____learn English.Look____the pictureCan you ____it,please?Yes,R-o-S-E,rose.What____is it.It's____Does it__like a girl's name.YEs,you're_____ take you down 谁告诉我”take you