
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:49:43
Error (10818):vhdl Error (10818):Can't infer register for "a0[0]" at shiftreg.vhd(96) because it does not hold its value outside the clock edgePROCESS(clk_in,clk_5)BEGINIF clk_5'EVENT AND clk_5='1' THENa16 英语翻译1.今天你没空,那么这周五怎么样?(What about)2.我们大部分分来自东京.(most) 我想离职,老板找我谈话该怎么说? quartus 中VHDL错误library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity and2 is-- generic(rise,fall:TIME);port(a,b:in bit;c:out bit);end entity;architecture wen of and2 isbeginprocess beginc she plays football enery day (把enery day改为tomorrow) she____ ____ ____ ____ football tomorrowI am going to download music from the internet (改为一般疑问句)_______ ________ ________ to download music from the internetTom is going to c vhdl 中2的i次方,怎么表示?写成2**i,vhdl提示错误,那怎么改啊? 我选择了离职,有很多理由,领导说要找我谈话,我要怎么说呢因为很多原因,我最终决定离职:1.我在这家公司的人际很不好,总是受人排挤,受人针对,陷害,我受够了,现在不想承受了.而且,我不管 VHDL library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity we isport(A,B,C,D:in bit;g,f,e,d,c,b,a:out bit);end we;architecture qwe1 of we issignal comb:bit_vector(3 downto 0);signal temp:bit_vector(6 downto 0);begin combtemptemptemptemptemptemptemptemptemp (翻译填空)我已下决心当一名老师 I have ——— ——— ———— ————to be a teacher 나한테 미련을 두지마,설화만 이니까너랑 함께 있어서 고독한 사람이아니&# 长征知识具体故事 翻译:(对老板说的)我想辞职,谢谢你一直的照顾,我知道我有很多的不足,这段时间给你添麻烦了.这样说可以吗? 中国史过渡时期是哪一段时间? 주파수 수페주니엘 时势造英雄(要论点和论据) “时势造英雄”是什么观点 What time do we have to be at the gate?- Immediately passagers are already bording为啥用Immediately 而不用Since呀 sorry how can i get to the history museum 有啥错 对英语单词很熟悉了解的人士有和拼音“qian”同音的英语名词吗?意思要不错的或者很相似拼音“qian”的读音的 Sorry. How can I get to the History Museum? 改得头大 Li Gang takes an a_____ part in hobby group activities."_____"上填什么(首字母填空) Every student who ( ) in the same group takes part in his birthday party.A study B studies C are studying D have studied 那位大神知道这是什么花? 有大神知道这是什么花吗? After he had finished his maths,he went on to do his physics.做完数学后,他接着去做物理1:为什么它使用过去完成时?had 而不是has 2:如果不加his 那么表达的是什么意思. 邮局用英语咋说? Tom asked me___________ would support usA.who B.what C.that D.how 急求展望未来1Unit9-展望未来2Unit3所有听力的文字材料不要那么多了,要以下几篇:展望未来一:Unit9 Development Ex.2 Unit10 Development Ex3,6,7Unit11 Place to visit Ex.3 Development Ex.4Unit14 Development Ex.2,4 求以“dian-fei-fei”为拼音的网名,需要文雅一点的!“典菲菲”这个名字除外,需要典雅,有文学色彩! the coodinator flew into _____rage,and common sense went by the board.A.the B.a C./ D.some Graceful翻译成中文什么是意思