
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 11:06:28
我了解到这个西瓜不平常的来历 Is the world really going mad?The other day I was sitting in a small restaurant having a quiet drink and a talk with a few friends,when it suddenly struck me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking.It wasn't long before the whole room was 用英语评论这篇文章 What I Have Learned from My Years at UniversityWe always say that “I will enter into university to be a useful person to my motherland” or something like that when we were kids.We always encourage ourselves to work har 《姥姥的剪纸》中,下文哪句话与“那剪刀行在纸上的刷刷声,悦耳至极”一句相照应 已知a是一个等比数列,a1等于2.a5等于8.求公差q? 带有‘愿望’两字的句子 已知sinx+siny+sinz=cosx+cosy+cosz=0,求tan(x+y+z)+tanxtanytanz的值 我国现有多少个省及直辖市?好像去年重新划分了吧 别的国家的文字都进化成了字母,为什么汉字还是老样子? 黑字读什么啊!写的不认识 可以写出来,但是确保我认识你的字, 写出求24所有因数的一个算法写出第一步是什么.第二步是什么...以此类推 把数学、语文、英语、政治四本不同的课本随机地摞在一起,正好挨在一起的概率是?画树形图 有4本书,分别是语文,英语,从中任取3本,其中一本必定是语文书,问取到数学书的概率是多少 如果y=tan(x),如何证明y'''=2(1+y^2)(1+3y^2) 吴伟豪这个名字换英文怎么写? 现代教师应具有什么样的素养 论述当代教师应具备哪些素养? 好多字认识不会写,还有些字不认识,现在连日记都不会写了,怎么办? 海洋中那种动物最多? 什么是海洋里最多的动物给个准确点的答案吧 When Christopher Columbus landed in the New World,the North American continent was an area of astonishing ethnic(种族的)and cultural diversity(差异).North of the Rio Grande,which now marks the border between the United States and M 这个要怎么写 这个怎么写 英语翻译魏钟繇,字元常.少随刘胜抱犊山,学书三年,遂于魏太祖.最妙者八分 我只是写了一点 把整篇翻译一下 好的我会再加财富 帮忙翻译一段文言文,谢谢..重赏论曰:崔瑗之称平子曰:“数术穷天地,制作侔造化”.斯致可得而言欤!推其围范两仪,天地无所蕴其灵;运情机物,有生不能参其智.故思引渊微,人之上术.《记》曰 英语翻译把“津津有味的读起书来”翻译成文言文 英语翻译宪法,朕不敢废.惟古今用法之弊,率为贵者顺意,贱者生情,故晋世刘友伏诛而山涛等不问,避贵施贱,朕无取焉.今将澄革弊风,闲明邦典,特申播告,期之自新.或罔革心,刑兹无赦,不以秩位 各位英语专家们,请帮我翻译以下短文,特此致谢!有这样两篇短文:{1}KOMODO DRAGON FACTS: Komodo Dragons live on the islands of Indonesia. It eats snakes, birds, deer, rodents, and other animals. It can grow up to 10 feet long. 英语翻译Scientists are trying to make the deserts(沙漠) into good land again.They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can live and grow food.They are learning a lot about the deserts.But more and more of the earth is becoming deser 要怎么写 怎么写?全部要!