
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:36:25
In order to improve our products,we must remember concern for quality is everyone's ______A.concernB.businessC.affairD.matter选哪个?为什么? Our quality of the products 中的products是什么意思 左右偏旁,左边是虫字旁,又边是比,念什么字. To improve the quality of our products we asked for suggestions( )had used the productsA who B whoever Candbody who请说出:1.选某项 2.选某项以及不选某项的理由 To improve the quality of our products,we asked anyone ____________ had useAwhoeverBwhoCwhichDwhichever 伟大、吵闹、正确、简单、强大、先进的反义词 1.___a reply ,he decided to write again.A Not receiving B Reaciving not C Not habing received D Having receivedwhy?2 what have we said ____her so unhappy?a.makes b.to make c made d had madewhy?3.make yourself at home,是什么意思?4.yesterday I know I will forget you one day.I have no expectation,no sorrow,I just know.别用翻译器哦.主要想问主人发这句话是什么样的心理状况呢?有没有对未来的期望? 专心的反义词孩子粗心怎么办 专心的反义词是什么 I will forget you one day.Neither do I expect,nor am I getting down.I just know the day will come求翻译 推荐的近义词是什么?高尚的反义词是什么?浪漫的反义词是什么?我明天要交作业的,求你们了.垂头丧气的反义词是?示弱的反义词是?贫乏的反义词是? 英语翻译我翻译成材料与制造工程成果学报 总觉得成果两个字怪怪的 求翻译~The delay in delivery was caused by a shortage of raw materials.1.The delay in delivery was caused by a shortage of raw materials. 2.You should believe me , for I got the news from a very reliable source. 3.He was very famous in the music c 求翻译:Recycling and composting prevented 85 million tons of material away from being disposed of I want to save some money___I can buy my favorite boy bear.A.although B.until C.because D.so that 麻烦你们了. 第十三届新概念作文大赛何时开赛?十二届的征文启事和题目是什么? 材料:目前,美国在世界上有900处军事基地,基地中有超过19万名士兵和11。5万名相关工作人员。这些基地给当地造成了巨大的破坏和环境污染,炸弹爆炸产生的有毒物质给当地儿童造成巨 谁知道第十三届全国新概念作文大赛的复赛时间?我问的是复赛,还有大约比赛持续多长时间 第十三届新概念作文大赛日期我想知道具体的时间,比赛的要求,投稿的方式,就是买不到 萌芽 才问的! Ryan Sypek Paulas、Mark、Ryan、的中文意思是什么? Ryan中文意思是什么,怎么读. 有它性格的说明. 急需描写表情的600字作文 If I were any better,I would be twins.If I were any better,I would be twins.感激不尽.还有,对不起哈 我就只剩这么多积分了. 英语翻译如题.请问哪位大侠能翻译一下这个句子阿Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate.He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say.When someone would ask him how he was doing,he would reply,"If I were "If I were any better,I'd be 是不是“天下无双”的意思啊?还有为什么要用"were"?介绍一下语法结构阿~ 英语翻译这句话选自一个叫:Life is all about choices的文章 第十二届新概念作文大赛获奖结果什么时候出来? if i were you,i would love myself better!