
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 12:48:02
答对一个也可以!1、一个长方体12条棱长的和是49厘米,底面周长是18厘米,高是多少?2、一根横截面为正方体的长方体木料,表面积为114平方厘米,据去一个最大的正方体后,表面积为54平方厘米,锯 golden shopping 有什么单词和shopping mall一样的意思 “shopping mall 求改动图帧数和大小 大小<100K 帧数<40帧! (1)分解因式:x³-3x-2 (2)x+2除x4-x³+3x²-10(3)△ABC三边a,b,c满足a²+b²+c²=ab+bc+ca,试判定△ABC的形状第二题是:x+2除x4-x³+3x²-10的余数是? 求born这个词的用法图日 求大神把这张图改成100K的尽量连贯. 已知a是整数,且0小于a小于10,当a等于多少时,方程1-二分之一ax=-5的解使偶数各位大神速度啊 已知a为整数,且0 be born用法知多少 已知a是整数,且a比0大,比10小请你设计找出a的一些数值,使关于x的方程1-2分之1ax=-5的解是偶数看看你能找出几个? be born和bornbe born后面可不可以不加表地点的词?比如 “I was born.” 句子“I born. 英语小短文,shopping mall(买东西)只能用(gift shop、 toliet、 bank、 pet shop、fast food、 clnema这些商店词语 )要求写8行的.(>_ in the shopping mall三人英语情景对话希望是高中水平的,一人有六七句,要有买方与卖方 已知a是整数,且a比0大,比10小.请你设法找出a的一些数值,使关于x的方程1—2分之1ax=—5的解是偶数,看看你能找出几个? I like the cities.There are beautiful beaches and parks.(合并为一句)I like the cities ___ ____ ____ beautiful beaches and parks I love the cites.There are beautify beaches aI love the cites.There are beautify beaches and mountains.改为一句话I love the cities ______ ______ _______ beautify beaches and mountains. The beaches there were beautiful改为 疑问句按照这个格式来改:()()the beaches there? 己知a是整数且0〈a〈10请找出一个a=_______,使方程1-1/2ax=-5的解是偶数 American-born 与 America-born意思和用法很什么区别吗? born 和 borne 的意思用法有什么区别? There are three bridges in my city.【对划线部分提问】划线部分为 three bridges 并说明理由, There are three supermarkets in my city.(对划线部分提问) 划线three ——————————————— she is the tallest of( )in the familyfrom 百度:这句话的意思是:她是家里姐妹当中最高的一个.所以应该是of all the sisiters,把她自己也包括在内.如果要选C的话,应该是:she is taller than all her sisters.她 She is the youngest of fourteen children in a musical family.的中文意思 Jack is the tallest of ____ in his familyA any other member B all the members 这里的A为什么不选 请说明下 looking around the city ,you will find many old churches are _____?答案是worth a visit ,那么worth being visited可以吗 Look Around (You Ll Find Me There) 歌词 Look Around (And You Ll Find Me There) 歌词 he was born a slave这种用法对吗? as she is rich ___ he is poorA.if B.and C.but D.though