
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:26:28
the bus doesn't can't()A.get off it B.get it off It"s joy to know you.啥意思? 请把下列汉语翻成英文1. 交出翻译之前,必须读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方.这样你才能把工作做好. 2. 报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取.3. 她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人 谁能帮我将以下中文翻成英文?在我的心中,爱一直是世界上最神圣的东西.当我悲伤时,它给我以安慰;当我失败时,它给我以鼓励;当我想要放弃时,它给我以坚持到底的勇气和信念. glee - here's to us 的歌词 “Here!Here!rt我印象中时干杯的意思,但是不对好像 Here’s To Us 歌词 得出图形的平方面积及公式 60CM*60CM等于多少平方米 对数函数图像平方公式,有这个公式吗没有图象打错了 四、选择填空 1.My math teacher is not young.He is____.A.funny B.old C.strong四、选择填空1.My math teacher is not young.He is____.A.funny B.old C.strong2.Mrs Bill B.into C.from3.We don't have music class____Wednesdays for so large an ocean it has very few islands; also,it is the world's saltiest ocean.如题,第一for在这里做什么解释?第二:the world's salties (课本上翻译是:世界上含盐分最多的大洋)为什么要这样用,还有其它 popular的名词形式 把下面的格言警句补充完整不以规矩,( ).临渊羡鱼,( ). lily was lying in the sun,looking very________(用什么形式的relax),为什么 The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.damage为什么要加to,它是及物动词呀 1.一个正方体的棱长总和是120cm,它的棱长是( )cm,一个面的面积是( )平方厘米2.长、宽、高都相等的长方体叫做( ). 一个面的的面积25平方CM的正方体的表面积是多少他的棱长是多少CM 用some和any填空:Would you like to buy ( ) food for us?Sure.What do we need?Mm,( ) apples ( ) chicken and ( ) bread.Oh,we don't have ( ) milk.Ok.I'll buy ( ).Do we need ( ) juice?Er,how about ( ) orang juice?Good idea! 用any和some填空1.There isn't_____celery left.2.Let's buy_____ice cream.3.We don't have______soda.4.I'd like______salsd,please.5.There aren't_______apples left. With price rising.为什么不用被动 We'd prevent the price of house rising 改为被动语态 谦谦君子的反义词 The price of food keeps__ up.A.going B.getting C.rising D.growing为什么?我觉得a也对啊 ‘君子’的反义词君子:古代指地位高的人,后来指人格高尚的人 ;对统治者和贵族男子的通称对应的是野人:泛指村野之人;农夫.庶人;平民 君子的反义词 君子不夺人所好 的反义词是什么 君子成人之美的反义词是什么? Mr Black has been in ____debet since his factory closed down,so he has little money_____him.前面是短语in debt,后面就不知道到底是in还是on?讲一下行不行?为什么选on?in不是有表状态一说吗? Dear Ying,It has been almost five years since you left Xi'an to settle down in Shenzhen.I believe that you have started enjoying life in that beautiful coastal city,and the warm climate will surely be good for your health.I have a vacation for two we ...,depanding on whether the price has gone up or down since they bought their shares这里的depanding on whether 是什么结构?谁可以解释一下,为什么是Ing 形式. 恶的反义词是什么