
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 04:10:41
买ipod classic来学英语怎么样主要看中160超大空间,听听力看美国电视剧电影什么的.虽然这款MP3过时了,但我只买来学英语,当然也听听歌,不知道怎么样 谁能教我葡萄牙语的一句话“请帮我签名”用葡萄牙语怎么说?最好用汉语的一些同音字来表达,因为就算会写不会说也没用,最好顺便告诉我,“能不能跟你合影”葡萄牙语怎么说? 葡萄牙语“自拍”怎么说 葡萄牙语(喝什么)怎么说? 用葡萄牙语 怎么说 选择have或has填空.i____a good friend.he____a pen.your dad____big ears.we ___short hair.kate and lily____round faces.根据对话内容,在每个空白处填上一个适当的单词(含缩略形式),使对话意思连贯,完整.a: ______ 请用have,has填空she___a dog___ the girl___ my father____ he____they____a cat_____boys_____girls_____ 用have has 填空1、I _____ big ears 2、Maria and Jane ______ many friends 3、She ______ a new pen 4、He _____ a big nose 5、They _______ much money 6、We ______ long hair 7、You _______ small ears 8、Michael _______ many toys 9、It _______ 用have,has填空1.The boy a small nose.完成句子your sister have a knife? 用 have 和 has 填空your classroom ( )five windowsour classroom ( )two doorsmy sister ( ) a nice coat I ( ) not a coatlin and the boy ( )a footboollwe ( )not any blouses mary ( ) a blousethe students ( ) some pencilsmy father and mother ( ) some c What___(make)you so sad every day?Because my pet is____(die) 用how many提问Sandy has got 2 birthday cards. I’m not leaving you 注意,要百分之百准确的.无视业余. I'm Leaving You 歌词 We are leaving today,and see all you 翻译 人们把护士叫做白衣天使英语怎么说 护士叫做白衣天使的来源 概率P(AU非B)=什么? 已知P(A)=0.5,P(B|A)=0.9,P(B|非A)=0.3,求概率P(B)和P(A|B). you have so many pens!can you____one to me?A.dislike B.pay C.get D.give 2.I have two books.One is new ,___is old.3.So many new books!Can you give me ___one?A.the other B.other C.others.D.another我好多谢你地!我感激不尽 唐代的中国有多辉煌? 你认为是哪些因素使我国在唐朝时期各方面都取得了辉煌的成就? 4个5和4个0组成读出三个零是什么? creamy是什么名称creamy如果是个人名会是什么名字. moisturizing pack是什么意思去年底人家从韩国带的化妆品全是韩文一点也看不懂,求解释.上面就这几个英文,哪位人能认识 综合分析能力:理论和实践哪个重要,如何做到学以致用 in the US ,"give me five" or "give me the the high five" is a popular gesture.you can see it often It means the slapping of each other's raised right hands together.帮忙解析一下这最后一句。谢谢! i have thought ()matter over very carefully 填哪个定冠词 He makes p_____in lessons,so his parents are happy My brother never helps me with my homework._A neither do mine B neither do i C neither does me D neither does mine答案D为什么不选B,急~~谢谢 pronunciation是可数名词吗?