
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 19:06:52
美国历史上有名的总统中英文名像是乔治华盛顿啦,林肯,罗斯福,布什,奥巴马什么的等等等等,分别是第几届的,中英文名字,简单说一下贡献或者特点什么的. 求美国第三任总统的简介 Mr White said that he had ______visited the Great Wall before.It's his first time to come to China.A.ever B.never C.once为什么选A这是2010年中考题, 退化的两个反义词 降低反义词 垂直的反义词 安全的反义词 退化的反义词 反义词:退化-----( ) 倾斜------() 安全-----(反义词:退化-----( ) 倾斜------() 安全-----( ) 一般-----( ) 英语翻译大纲是类似,爱情的开始,中间,结束比喻:在我遇见你的那一刻,我告诉自己,我坠入了爱河.(开始)(中间)爱情是谎言,再见!(结束)求各位大侠发挥想象, 给张六年级英语看图写话的图最好也写上英文长一点 老虎不发威你当我是病猫 用英语怎么说 There is some thing wrong with my bike.(改为否定句) There is some thing wrong with my bike,( 请在后面加上附加疑问句,并说明理由 用some thing wrong造句 is something wrong和 is there something wrong What’s that?可否用that is来回答?用It is 还是that is回答更合适? what that 后面为什么用It is回答不对 she has been ----the city five times A.to B.in 为什么what is that要用 it回答 She has been to Shanghai three times.(对划线部分提问,划 three times) what is that?用watch回答 看标志用We/They/You/He...should/shouldn't...写话.1.标志:禁止向左拐弯 1.________turn left2.标志:向右拐弯 2.________turn right3.标志:一直向前 3.________go straight on.4. 去面试人家问我可会英文 我不会怎么办他们是做晶片的 看上 就是看上 我 上的 学 校 还有 在电子厂上过班的 可是 这个工作 我感觉 不错 想去上班但是我不会英文 他们说 明天 给我个质料 He is lazy,so he doesn't have much money in the s_______, 很多认识我的人问我你是不是不会生气啊?用英语怎么说? It seems that he doesn,t have many friends.改为同义句 He doesn,t __ __ __ many friends. She has successfully______a career with bringing up a family.A.joined B.connected C.managed D.combined ——He has never been to Hong Kong before,has he?——____________.It's the third timethat he 's been there.A Yes,he has B No ,he has C Yes,he hasn't D No,he hasn't.请告诉我为什么选择A,有点不理解, she doesn‘t e____ much money being a nurse 我做不完.的3种英语翻译 英语句子正误She doesn’t spend much money on dresses不太明白我在一个网站上查到:【英语句子正误She doesn’t spend much money on dresses不太明白 悬赏分:0 | 解决时间:2010-5-22 14:04 | 提问者:Smile_云朵 | 一首歌 歌词里有she doesn't have moneyshe's not me,she doesn't have money,she never have i had,it won't be the same.这就是中间的一段词,我是偶然从别的地方听到的,希望大家可以帮我找出这首歌这首歌好像是舞曲 How much money does she have now?的意思?