
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 17:31:56
she is thinking about____in the countryside.A.how to do B.what to do C.what will do D.do what Millie enjoys the party.(改同义句) 世界上最早的计算机网络雏形出现在哪个年代?A.20世纪20年代,B.20世纪30年代,C.20世纪50年代,D.20世纪90年代 世界上最早的汽车出现在哪里? 分析英语句子语法The corals were fantastic - they were shaped like fans,plates,brains,lace,mushrooms,the branches of trees and the horns of deer.请分析这句语法,能顺便翻译一下么, 1、下列关于分组交换的描述正确的是______. A、A. 产生于第一代计算机网络 B、B. 是现代计算机网络 第一章 概述 1、电路交换、报文交换、分组交换三种交换方式的区别.2、什么是计算机网络?按作用范围的大 what was she thinking about?this is not for translation,thank you.we were lovebird just for weeks and later broke up as common friends,but i did care about her but too reserved to spit it out.a few month ago,she asked me out for a part-time interview What about her?还是what about she? she never cares about what others will think when she does that.分析下句子 定语从句引导词who和whom的用法The doctor (that/whom/who)you are looking for is in the room.这个句子中先行词在从句中做宾语,为什么用who引导? 哪位能教我定语从句中引导词where,what,whom,whose,that,who的用法? 计算机网络把全世界连成一家,“天涯若比邻 ”已不再是梦想.“不再是梦想”可以用另一个词语来替换: 计算机网络把全世界连成一家,天涯若比邻 已经不再是梦想.不再是梦想,用一个词语替换 计算机网络把全世界连成一家计算机网络把全世界连成一家,"天涯若比邻 "已不再是梦想. The boy is thinking about what he is going to next week改为简单句 The boy is thinking about ------ ------- -------- next week 1 He's just thinking about _______ at the class meeting .A .how to sayB .what is he going to say C 用庞然大物造句 庞然大物怎么造句 用庞然大物怎么造句 庞然大物的意思和造句 【造句】“明察秋毫”“怡然自得”“庞然大物”用这三个词分别造句.明察秋毫:___________怡然自得:____________庞然大物:___________ 中译英.一句简单的话你相信这是出自一个高中生之手么? this is what it means to be a hero求翻译 英语翻译Pls advise if not pls find out from Mike what is going on in this delivery Is there any DN or plan how to use with missing cable This is really something. 彭湃,绝壁,奇观,酣然入梦造句 用澎湃 奇观 矗立 打颤 酣然入梦 造句 急用! 用攀谈,欺侮,呜咽,咀嚼,酣然入梦造句,要连在一起50字以上 用奇观造句 奇观 造句 There are questions hard to I feel just like I felt in all my dreams There are questions hard to answer Can’t you see 什么意