
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 10:56:14
there is noting like traveling by plane 英语 there is nothing like so careful now as in the past请问 这里的as 怎么翻译他是什么词性 介词 或是 副词 或是其他? What question can you never answer "yes " if even it is ture 注:我们都活着哪 写“我最喜欢的节日-春节”的英语作文怎么结尾? 我最喜欢的中国节日是春节人们在什么时间庆祝他英语作文 在中国历史上有哪些关于知己的人物故事 英语翻译 写冬天残荷的诗 “留得残荷听雨声”的全诗是什么? 求关于残荷的诗句.急最好附出处和作者.散文什么的都可以,描写残荷就OK了 Many animals feed their newly born babies on milk from the mothers' own bodies.It's used instead of the blood that carries food to the babies before they were born.那个(It's used instead of the blood )啥意思 feed the baby on milk 为什么用on 而 feed the dog with bones为什么用with Hurry up and die so I can play.F*** you . 把主语从句That A married B surprised everyone改成普通句 I can do it ,so just do it! He won the first prize in the contest,______ surprised all of us A.it B.that C.which D.who这个题属于什么结构,选项在句中做什么成分,最好能讲解下it that which的区别 新东方新概念英语网络课堂怎么样?想学新概念英语2册.网络课堂如何...新东方新概念英语网络课堂怎么样?想学新概念英语2册.网络课堂如何收费? 英语翻译hunt on their other land .Together they set aside 180,000 acres ,or 728 square kilometers ,of land.They called this a "wildlife Bank".虽然有点长, 谁有新东方新概念英语第二册互动版的下载, 英语翻译Sue has a bell on the neck of her pet cat.One hot day Ann and Nell sat on the grass in the shade of a big tree.They like to rock their dolls,and sing to them.The brave men in our boat are on their way to the ship.They will save the men in everyone is wearing a tired look and the meeting appears e_? everyone tired and is hungry连词成句急! His tired face suggested that he _____really tired after the long walk. A.had been B.wasC.be D.should be这个题怎么选啊?为什么啊? Everyone_____sometimes.A.get tired B.are tired C.gets tirsd D.gets tiring 英语翻译they say young people visit museums less often and spend too much time on the Internet. have found 怎么翻译啊? 英语翻译有一种莫名其妙的感觉~好象都对着我说似的哈。 differences和difference的区别 在什么情况下用differences,什么情况下用difference.两者有什么区别, difference 加复数 为differences后怎么读? no difference还是differences differences 和difference是什么意思意思一样吗?最好用两个词语造一个句子