
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/03 07:43:06
请帮我改改有什么错误,谢谢Three little rabbit picked a mushroom.Two bigger rabbit made the smaller rabbit pick some potherb.The smaller rabbit said "I don't go,you will eat my mushroom".Two bigger rabbit said "Take easy,we won't".So the sm 什么成语或熟语可以用来形容“地方很凄凉,杳无人烟”?(比如:鸟不拉屎的地方 等) # includevoid main(){int max(int x,int y,int z);int a,b,c,d;scanf("%d,%d,%d",&a,&b,&c);d=max(a,b,c);printf("max=%d\n",d);}int max(int x,int y,int z);int k,t;if(x>y){k=x;if(k>z)return(k);elset=z;return(t);}else {k=y;if(k>z)return(k);elset=z;return(t); 有错吗?帮忙改改Now, people look at television seem to have become a fashion. Almost every family has a TV, when people will be all right.if you own high requirements of, then this is for you a leisurely, is useful, but will make your performan 三角+长方形=93,长方形+圆=56圆+三角=47那么他们分别是多少 亲们,请问lim sin(1/x)/(1/x)= x趋向于0 如果错, 帮我改改哪个选项哪儿错 读读下面的句子,你有什么发现?然后仿照它写一写.例:鹅便昂首大叫,似乎责备人们供养不周. “量”什么时候读liàng,什么时候读liáng? “咱俩”的“俩”是读liǎng还是liǎ? 量liàng的词性是怎么样的? 是物质的量liàng/浓度还是物质的/量liáng浓度? 量子属于生命体吗?分会给足今天看了部电影叫火龙军警这部电影说外星来了个火球突然让我想起量子这个东西很好奇想知道是否听说量子本来是有2种上次看了个量子详细报告说2种量子其中 什么是量子顺电体 1、__________ the dirt from his pants,he got to his feet and prepared to leave.A) dust offB) dusting offC) dusted offD) To dust off2.(10.0分)The class _____ over,we had a ________ discussion.A) been… heatB) being… heatedC) is… heatingD) b 写了一篇英语基础写作!Dear David:I'm so happy that you will come to visit my school and stay at my home during the time.You are warmly wellcome and let me tell you something about the activities.There is a wellcome-ceremony in the morning an Wen Feng Store SaleGoodsColorPrice(each)SocksBalck,white,green$3SweaterBlack$15HatBlue,white$4T-shirtRed,green$14ShoesBlack and white$25BagBlue$5( )6.In all goods,_______ is (are) cheap.A.Bag B.Shoes C.Hat D.Socks( )7.Jack wants to buy two pairs of s 英文,快, get lucky money clean the house buy new clothes,say'Happy New Year' eat a big dinner visit family and friends请你利用上面的单词,完成下面的调查卡:(提示:请正确填写时间Date,比如:February 14)Mum DadDate:_____________ 请写作高手帮我改改这句子以下是我写新闻报到中的一段句子,因太长不简明扼要,而自己能力有限特请请写作高手帮我改改如下这段句子“近年来该乡财政所始终坚持“以人为本、服务为民 寻求写作高手,帮我改改这文章,内容能再丰富点,本人文化程度不高,我出生在一个传统的佛教家庭,父母都是极度迷信的人,独自来美国几年,家里人到处烧香拜佛祈求我在外平安.2010年7月,我老 E,F是平行四边形ABCD对角线上BD两点,且AF平行CE,求证AE=CF 如图,平行四边形ABCD的对角∠A、∠C的外角平分线AE、CF分别交CD、AB的延长线于点E、F求证:四边形FCEA是平行四边形 快啊, 进入SAT考场应该注意哪些事项? 马上要去香港考SAT了,有哪些必需品?还有,考场上需要注意什么? 量子炮弹没有无色能用么那个下面有一个无色小晶块一个 没有了无色 还能用么 DNF枪炮量子炮弹怎么速度放在安在地下 焱是怎么读? 女枪炮量子炮弹怎么放威力最大 考SAT 须知?需要准备什么书?具体点我是移民,因为语言不行,要在高中读一年,学SAT然后考大学,有谁知道考SAT的书籍,和习题,帮我介绍介绍 "女"字旁加个"是"读什么.木字旁加个解读什么为什么字典里查不到.