
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:59:27
如何将word中所有数字和字母设置成红色 加粗 倾斜 请就下面题目也一段英语两人口语对话(字数200左右)谢了1.You and your partner are from different cities.How do you like the weather and environment in your hometown?Make a dialogue about it with your partner. 1 在直角梯形ABCD中,AB//CD,AD垂直CD于D,AE垂直BC于E,AB=BC,求证CD=CE2 ———we cannot get seems better than_____we have.A WHAt,what B What ,that C that,that D that,what(选什么,理由)3 Our teacher has told us when our homework_____ 两人英语对话什么话题好 1.沵早点起床好吗?这对沵的健康有好处 .Would you mind ______ ________early|?It's good _______ your _________.2.老师们在开会Teachers ________ __________ a ___________3.完成这项任务花了他三天时间 .It _______ him three 把六年级下册课文里的《凡卡》续写多少字都可以,水平中等的100字以上 小学六年级作文凡卡续写 现在高三下学期,成绩一般.语文150的可以考120,作文不错.英语也是120,但是数学只能打86.理综总分只能打155.湖南理科生,我是拼一拼考个国内大学,还是去北京新航道参加一对一出国?拜托大家给 2011东城区高三一模语文英语数学答案,只要英语语文选择就好,数学求选择填空 初二数学和英语怎么学讲详细点 “自编对话”用英文怎么说?RT 数学作业本七下3.3答案 七下数学作业本1第3页第五题如图,直线a,b被直线c所截,若∠1+∠2=180°,判断直线a与b是否平行,并说明理由. 这篇课文通过( )这件事,反映了沙皇头之下俄国的贫苦儿童的( ),文章内容分为( )、( )、( )三部分.其中凡卡在写信过程中主要回忆了( )和( )这两件事.最后.文章一凡卡甜蜜 熊猫的英文简介急!英文的!请不要抄袭,初一的可以看懂的 英语翻译1.Lucy left Tom's handbag in her uncle's car,( )( (反意疑问句)2.I borrowed a novel from the school library three days ago.(改为同义句)I ( )( ) a novel of the ( )( )( )( )( ).3.Dick's father was beating him yesterday evening. 孙悟空为什么要借芭蕉扇?他是向谁借的? 语文,英语怎么补啊?补习中..!? 文综基础差从何补起?我现在高二. 作文4篇 300字春节习俗 读书体会 新学期打算300字 300字作文4篇 水浒传读后感3000字西游记读后感3000字急用谢谢 九年级英语句型转换I don not konw how I can get to the shop.He went for a walk after eating dinner .(复合句)Making complete sentence is difficult for me.(同义句)The girl is too weak to carry the box.(复合句)I study grammer to improve 九年级的英语.句型转换.急!句型转换:1.Don't make any noise,( ) ( )?(改反义疑问句)2.Lily failed the test. Lily ( )( )the test.(同义句)3.He goes to the movies every Sunday evening. He goes to the movies ( )( )week.顺便,under 英语翻译 九年级上学期英语,按要求该句子.句型转换1.what do people use the pen to do?改为被动语态what ( ) the pen ( )to do by peopel?2.the workers were made to finish the work at once by the manager改为主动语态the manager ( )the wor 九年级英语第六单元...句型转换+完成句子...六.句型转换.1.My little brother likes swimming better than running.(改为同义句)My little brother ________ swimming _________ running.2.No matter what you do,I always believe you.( 5074.745在小数前面的7表示()后面的7表示();前面的4表示(),后面的4表示什么小数点右面第一位是()位,它的计数单位是();第二位是(),它的计数单位是();第三(),();第 1:仔细看下 ↓ 46cm ↓—————— —————— —————— ———————————— —————— ——————↑6 ↑一条长46cm,重叠的那部分为6cm,请问如果10条这样的线是多长?100 如图所示,设U是全集,A与B是U的两个子集,用阴影表示(1)CuA∩CuB(2)CuA∪CuB怎么画?分别回答两题…… 什么是及物动词 动词不定式为什么能做及物动词的宾语 什么是不及物动词 是否所有的及物动词都能用‘疑问词+不定式’作宾语