
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 09:04:53
两则英语谜语(简单.关于动物的) 改为反义疑问句 They can hardly believe you,—— ——?是can they还是do theybelieve是动词啊 应该是do they吧?有没有搞错,hardly表否定!ytwfamily 要英语的注意注意,急,一条就够. i can swim(改为一般疑问句) ----Can they ___(swim)?-----No,they_____(sing). 关于动物的英语谜语3条 格式是It' lives in () It likes eat ()It's (big/small) It has () legsIt can/can't swim/flyIt's ()(colour)It's very ()填cute之类的 he goes to school on his_______every day 要填()()()()()()e i belive i can fly中文翻译~~谢了~~ 最后一课中“使出全身力气”写下“法兰西万岁”什么意思 写“法兰西万岁”时要“使出全身的力量”?他为什么要写这几个字?——《最后一课》 帮我造句!连词成句!编出的句子要好记!一段词造一段话!拽 无垠 癫狂 凛冽 吞噬 销蚀 羸弱 步履 遗孀 坚持不懈 毛骨悚然 千辛万苦 风餐露宿 夜不成眠 筋疲力竭 闷闷不乐 耀武扬威 洋洋得意 They live in water. Do they live on the land,in the air,or in the water? whales live in water,but they are not fish Cats like to eat them very much and they live in the water.猜一个东西 拿破仑是什么时候颁布的法典 They can swim in the river.(改为否定句) 拿破仑颁布法典的目的是什么 拿破仑一生最主要功绩是什么 A 建立法兰西第一帝国 B 颁布民法典 C 捍卫法国大革命的成果 D发动了对外战争 They can swim 对划线提问 swim 英语翻译calm down~ and then这个单词的中文是什么 是attend the party 还是take part in 还是join in还是join并且给出理由 calm能做形容词用吗 join the party take part in meeting 为什么啊只单独说Party 与meetingParty是组织,为什么用join?应该是活动用take party in ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 问一道英文语法题目26.Knowledge begins to increase as soon as one individual communicates his ideas to _______ by means of speech.A.other B.another C.the other D.some other 英语翻译如题请翻译 图这个是什么动物 关于动物的图片? 用英语回答If you saw a UFO or an alien,what would you do? 语法题the school shop,(whose )customers are mainly students ,is closed for the hoildays.为啥不能选 where,语法上有错?有人说选where 表状态可以,我认为 从句部分不缺成分吧? 问一个英语定语从句语法i was upset today by the scene that you stay with her 这句话中的先行词the scene 在定语从句中做什么成分