
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:44:43
想领导所想, 想我所想是什么意思 为了我所想的,想的我所谓的什么意思, decode函数用法在emp表中,为所有人长工资,标准是:10部门长10%;20部门长15%;30部门长20%其他部门长18%(要求用DECODE函数,介绍如下:DECODE(value,if1,then1,if2,then2,if3,then3,...else )),我用update emp set sa 喜欢你笑得灿烂用英语怎么说啊 请帮我修改我的文章.我是外国人我是外国人,请帮我修改我的文章. 这是我写的对于职员做访谈的相关问题.您能帮我改这个问题吗?我觉得会有一些怪怪的文章.请帮我忙!谢谢!1. 您对你的职务 我是外国人.请修改一下文章在中国好看的旅游地是什么? 1.您为什么选了在这个百货里工作?2.您感觉到别人对您是有什么样的看法呢?3.您家里人支持你在这服务行业工作吗?他们有什么想法呢?----------------我是外国人.请帮我 我是外国人 请大家改我的文章吧春天来了,迎春花开了,沙尘暴又来了.昨天,韩国首都首尔,韩国东南港口城市釜山,韩国西南部的大城市光州城市内都挂起沙尘暴.韩国气象厅又对首尔、釜山等 touch的用法?请主要讲一讲touch在“联系”意思的时候的用法。 去哪找外国人修改文章我现在正在申请出国留学,PS和essay已经写完了,想找个native speaker帮我修改文章,费用可以按小时计费,这个去哪找呀? 名词的用法dou bu hidoa本人初学者 Is the elephant the biggest ____(live) animal in the world? 名词的用法,求了 Is (elephant) (the biggest) ( animal)( in the world) A B C D 哪一个错了,改错 爱我所爱来不及恨你所恨什么意思 -The elephant is the strongest and biggest animal in the world .怎么对-The elephant 提问? 何必出世,何必入世,何必厌世,爱我所爱,恨我所恨, they like the picture (改为一般疑问句) 用I can 造句 用can造句 can't怎么造句 she wore clothes that___A:was better than the other girlsB:was better than that of the other girlsC:were better than those of the other girlsD:were better than that of the other girls选哪个?为什么? 用could造句我需要的是肯定句和否定句各5句,当然越多越好哦~ she _____ (hang) her socks over the fire so that they would be dry soon用动词适当形式填空 She asked if I could help put on her socks.Instead,I began a long speech that went something like this这个instead为什么不是however 尽我所能爱我所爱是什么意思 爱我所爱的所是什么意思所字何解 She ____ her child on her back.A.carriedB.broughtC.gotD.took She fell on her back in triumph.的中文意思是? She called on john on her way back from work分析She called on john on her way back from work to see if he was getting better. 怎么翻译额?其中:back from work to see if he was getting better 怎么看?谢谢啦.. 用I can't和couldn't造句(各5句)